Flightcell Pro Brochure
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

Flightcell Pro Brochure - 1

The world's most versatile portable Lightweight and fully portable -> For military and general aviation -> Suits fixed wing aircraft and helicopters Flightcell Pro interfaces with virtually any portable communications or audio device: • Satellite phones • Handheld transceivers • Mobile phones (including Bluetooth) • iPod or music players • Audio recorders and cameras • Laptops and other audio devices. pairs with Dual impedance With over3000 units in service around the world, Flightcell Pro delivers the ultimate in connectivity Designed, built and distributed by Flightcell International Ltd www.flightcell.com 98 Vickerman Street, Port Nelson Tel +64 3 545 8651

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Flightcell Pro Brochure - 2

ALWAYS CONNECTED. Connect and communicate with Flightcell Pro Flightcell Pro simultaneously connects one or more complementary communications options into a military or civilian headset whilst remaining connected to the aircraft or vehicle interphone (ICS) and radios. Flightcell Pro provides high-quality audio in high-noise environments, enabling hand-held phones and radios to be operated where they are otherwise unusable. Interfaced Devices Flightcell Pro is incredibly versatile. It can be used to interface virtually any portable communications or audio device: • Satellite phones -...

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