Catalog excerpts

IN THE FIGHT AGAINST FIRE PRECISE DATA CAN GIVE YOU THE EDGE. Introducing the Flightcell DZMx Application for Firefighting Operations Fl ghtcel refigh ing applicati p ovid o Flightcell’s firefighting application provides for tc plic plicat d automati recordin and real ime r porting automatic recording and real time reporting of tomatic recordin d a t ke eve ts, alon with osition nfor ation. key events, along with position information. even s on itio o o Enhanced event reporting enables more nhanced v nt eporting abl s or ed porti bles eff ct effective use of assets and resources. se asset nd sources. r Proces multiple n boar np t or ptimal Process multiple on-board inputs for optimal ess tp ptimal firefire-fight n nformation man ge ent. fire-fighting information management. rmat m t V sual s on-bo d fo mation Visualise on-board information for rapid ualis -boa -b mati n pd respons response to changing conditions. espon p changin ondit ons. an ondi ons. Util Utilis e lular n a ellit e w rks f Utilise cellular and satellite networks for ilis lite tr nsm t ing n-boar data transmitting on-board
Open the catalog to page 1
Firefighting with DZMx: DZMx provides the following data: Flightcell DZMx is the world's smallest, lightest and smartest satellite and cellular communications system, used worldwide by aircraft operators to enhance operational performance. Flightcell's new firefighting application enables operators with installed DZMx systems to provide additional vital data to command centres. This data is taken from switches, sensors or controls on the aircraft or firefighting equipment, combined with position and time information from the DZMx's inbuilt GPS, then transmitted over cellular or satellite...
Open the catalog to page 2All Flightcell International catalogs and technical brochures
Flightcell Pro
2 Pages
Remote Head
2 Pages
Cellular IP Tracking
2 Pages
Satphone Cradles
2 Pages
DZMx Military
2 Pages
2 Pages
DZMx Agriculture
2 Pages
DZMx Air Medical
2 Pages
Flightcell DZMx
4 Pages
Flightcell Pro Brochure
2 Pages
Cradle brochure
2 Pages
DZM Remote Head brochure
2 Pages
DZM2 civilian brochure
2 Pages
DZMx Brochure
4 Pages