Catalog excerpts

THE MAGAZINE WITH DRIVE Driving sustainable growth Climate neutral shipment Share of self-generated energy from photovoltaics 150 JobRad bikes to promote sustainable mobility
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New Management Structure at FAULHABER New management to lead the group of companies from January 2022 Exceptionally high speed and dynamics Presentation of the new stepper motor AM3248 FA C T O RY A U T O M AT I O N & Firmly on track to autonomous production The startup Evocortex and FAULHABER together ensure smooth full automation Intelligent modular system for quick solutions Miniaturized linear motors from FAULHABER unlock new potential for the pharmaceutical industry PRECISION MONITORING & Because every grain of pollen counts… A pollen monitor driven by FAULHABER provides allergy...
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Dear readers, In order to preserve our natural ecosystems for future generations, FAULHABER has set itself the goal of achieving sustainability in all of its facets and is acting accordingly. We are aware of our responsibility to future generations and have therefore enshrined environmental protection and the careful use of resources in Publisher / Editor: DR. FRITZ FAULHABER GMBH & CO. KG Schönaich · Germany Phone: +49 (0)70 31/638-0 Fax: +49 (0)70 31/638-100 E-Mail: info@faulhaber.de www.faulhaber.com our corporate mission statement. For FAULHABER, the focus on sustainability has long...
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NEW MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AT FAULHABER NEW MANAGEMENT TO LEAD THE GROUP OF COMPANIES FROM JANUARY 2022 Schönaich. In January 2022, the year of Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG’s 75th anniversary, the drive specialist will get a new management structure. Due to retirement, the previous managing directors, Dr. Thomas Bertolini and Gert Frech-Walter, will be handing over the reigns to the new five-person m anagement team around Karl Faulhaber.
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"Their vision of standardized and synchronized production across locations was just as important to FAULHABER’s success at the beginning of the new m illennium as the integration of the international s ubsidiaries into the FAULHABER Group during their joint tenure. In their capacity as managing directors, they also accepted numerous awards on behalf of FAULHABER, such as the "Factory of the Year 2018" in the category "Outstanding small-batch production". Dr. Thomas Bertolini and Gert Frech-Walter are handing over an extremely well-positioned company that is ready for the challenges of...
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FIRMLY ON TRACK TO AUTONOMOUS PRODUCTION In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, intralogistics play a critical role. For fully automated production from batch size one, the right parts must be transported to the production stations at the right time. With an innovative, autonomous transport s ystem, startup company Evocortex in collaboration with FAULHABER is able to offer the high level of flexibility and precision required by such a large number of variants. 06
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"Conventional AMR often require spatial adaptations to the travel paths or even technical changes to the p rocesses. For example, the vehicles need visual m arkings for orientation, and paths and intersections must meet specified dimensions and curve radii. We wanted to create transport robots that adapt to the needs of the customer and not the other way around." Managing Director Hubert Bauer AMR on the advance Transport solutions for materials are becoming increasingly customized and need to be as fully automated as ossible. Mobile robot platforms – p known in the industry as autonomous...
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the 45 degree angles are arranged with a 90 degree offset. Thus, each wheel tries to move in a different direction. By varying the direction of rotation and speed of the individual wheels, the vehicle can be steered in any direction from a standstill or rotated on the spot. On the horizontal plane, it can thus move as freely as a hover car. The Mecanum wheels thereby enable agile and omnidirectional movement of the robot. Scalability in millimeter increments Unrestricted mobility with Mecanum wheels A normal wheel moves in only the same direction as its axis. To recisely p position a...
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"We took a very close look to determine which motors on the market were candidates for this application," says Hubert Bauer, recalling the development phase. "Only with FAULHABER were we able to find the power density that we needed. The motors from the competition had no space left for the required torque." Enormous power, minimal size The wheel modules of the EvoRobot are equipped with DC-Micromotors of the 3257… CR or 3272…CR series. Each is fitted with an IEF3 encoder and a 38/2S gearhead. For fast stopping and to ensure the wheels remain locked in position once stopped, the wheel...
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INTELLIGENT MODULAR SYSTEM FOR QUICK SOLUTIONS Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the pharmaceutical industry and laboratories have been under pressure to realize the highest possible levels of automation. This requires a number of new analysis and testing devices, p roduction lines as well as filling and packaging systems, the efficiency of which is dependent on the level of automation. Miniaturized linear motor axes and modules for single-axis or multi-axis applications open new possibilities here. Designed as a modular system, they are suitable for a wide range of tasks in l...
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Miniature linear motor module QM02-2070 Stroke up to 160 mm · Peak force 28 N The engineers from Jung Antriebstechnik u. Automation GmbH JA² responded to calls from the pharmaceutical industry, the analysis sector and the medical technology industry for small but functional auto ation solutions m with the development of a new modular mechatronic ystem called Quicks Lab. With the small QM02 linear motor modules for up to 160 mm stroke and the QA02 inear motor axes for strokes l up to 220 mm, short-stroke applications can be realized with high dynamics and accuracy, e.g., in laboratory and...
Open the catalog to page 11All FAULHABER Drive Systems catalogs and technical brochures
MC 3603 S
2 Pages
Linear actuators L series
12 Pages
FAULHABER motion 1/2022
33 Pages
Series 0620 ... B
2 Pages
Series 0308 ... B
2 Pages
Series 0816 ... SR
2 Pages
Series 2232 ... SR
2 Pages
Series 0615 ... S
2 Pages
Technical Information
160 Pages
Drive systems 2020 - 2021
656 Pages
Series 3242 ... BX4
2 Pages
MCDC 3006 S
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1512 ... SR
1 Pages
1506 ... SR
2 Pages