UCB Series
1 / 4Pages

Catalog excerpts

UCB Series - 1

JCB-12C NOTES p©*Of "vO i» secured !o shah by set sc-e* i ico C) C-sioner pan to ra.» o-a west ‘i e<ei umiQM «hui UCB-12CC NOTES Rotor nub <8 secured lo shall (»• se‘ screw nee Cl Arralufe » secured to shall b» so: ser»» ilfo Cl CUSTOMER SHALL MAINTAIN loose pm conned ran "lb aMI-'OUBon tab* sc as not 10 pie-lose baarmgi TECHNICAL DATA

Open the catalog to page 1
UCB Series - 2

UCB17C-I7CC NOTES: Polo* hub s secured to shntl 0/ so! acrew nod »oy. Armature I* secured to shot! by set screw and *o< CUSTOMER SHALL MAINTAIN: Loose Din connection into anthretaMon tab so as not to pre-load bennngs TECHNICAL DATA

Open the catalog to page 2
UCB Series - 3

UCB-25C-2SCC NOTES Rocor hub is secured 10 anah by set screw tsee C). Special lUtf Le»**ay is available upon reams: CUSTOMER SHALL MAINTAIN: Loose pm connection into antKotation t»D so as not to ptfrtoed beempi Solace 0* pilot rounitoO to bo sauare vr.:h shaft w*Wn 003 TlR measured at 3.125 BC Concentricity of held mouMtnp P»fot d»ar*o:ef with rotor mountmo shaft **nm 005 TI R Sou enow of field mountino fact? with ahaftt within 003 TIR Concentricity between shaft* within 005 T I R TECHNICAL DATA

Open the catalog to page 3

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