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Catalog excerpts

EasiSelect - 1

Eastman* • Items to exclude from the order entry import • Multiple folders to store templates to allow easy control and organization. • User defined folders and locations to allow the generated run files to be located on a network • Multiple inquires by machine, color, template, customer order number, run status etc. • Color, fabric and thickness can be set be either order entry or the bill of materials. • EasiSelect can be set to automatically nest in Optitex or allow this to be done manually. • Standard interfaces are ASCII fixed Width, ASCII Comma Delimited, Access database and Excel Spreadsheets Order Entry Interface & Run Organization Software EasiSelect Order Entry Interface allows the user to automatically import data from Order Entry Systems to automatically Sort, Organize and control runs to create Optitex Marker files. Once Imported the items to be cut can be sorted by material, color and thickness, this allows the user to select, for example, all 2mm Blue Vinyl material from multiple orders to run them in a single run, thus, saving time on organizing and separating the orders manually and maximizing the nesting. EasiSelect is normally configured to sort items to be cut by material so that there is one nested final cut file for each material needed for the current orders. A user maintained Bill of Materials tracks the number of pieces, color, material and thickness for each item, along with the template in DXF or DSN format. The Bill of Material can be manually entered, imported from an Excel file or maintained in an external file system. After importing the Orders, Orders can be selected for Extraction; EasiSelect then explodes the requirements based on the Bill of Materials. These can then be selected in any combination to create a file for Optitex® to Nest. EasiSelect allows runs to be selected and scheduled by machine for installations with multiple Machines. EasiSelect also allows for direct entry of orders for exceptions or smaller companies that do not have an automated order entry system, this allows them to still get the benefits of the bill of material and run control that EasiSelect offers.

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