Catalog excerpts
Industry Overview ENERGY & UTILITIES PREDICT AND PREVENT OUTAGES The integration of real-time weather information into the power grid enables operators and managers to effectively and efficiently operate a grid under changing weather variables enhancing: storm damage response, smart grid intelligence, mitigation of power outages and service disruptions, demand forecasting and response support and consumer demand response programs. OVERVIEW Severe weather is the leading cause of electric power outages causing widespread damage to distribution systems and, in extreme weather events, can cause catastrophic damage to transmission systems. Real-time localized data from Earth Networks is the missing piece in outage forecast modeling. We provide advanced weather intelligence so utility companies can efficiently mobilize resources to reduce restoration time, while communicating more accurately with affected customers. BENEFITS CONFIGURE CUSTOM ALERTS FOR SPECIFIC LOCATIONS Our alerting platform puts you in control of what, when, and how you get alerts for weather that could impact your grid. Easy to configure notifications are pushed to your mobile device. IDENTIFY CORRELATIONS WITH WEATHER Our total lightning network not only provides warnings for in-cloud lightning, but also helps predict wind shear and downbursts. An extra, 20/20 pair of eyes on the skies where you operate. METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES We have our own expert team of meteorologists for round-the-clock weather forecasts. LEVERAGE COLLABORATION TOOLS IN REAL-TIME We know you rely on a cross-functional team to plan and respond to issues with the grid. Get everyone on the same page by sharing your weather dashboard with remote teams in real-time.
Open the catalog to page 1ENERGY & UTILITIES KEY PRODUCTS • feric Maps S • Sferic API • Meteorological Services REAL-TIME WEATHER OBSERVATIONS FOR GRID OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT KEY PRODUCTS KEY FEATURES • uild more accurate outage B models with live weather data • dentify the time and location I of outages more precisely Sferic Maps Collaborative web-based weather visualization and planning dashboard • nhance preparation and faster E recovery to lower outage costs • ptimize preparation and O recovery plans • eploy field crew to areas D with potential outages Sferic API Infuse real-time weather information, hourly...
Open the catalog to page 2All EARTH NETWORKS catalogs and technical brochures
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2 Pages
Networks Calibration System
2 Pages