Catalog excerpts
Dynatest 6875H HIGHWAY SLIP FRICTION TESTER (HFT) The Dynatest 6875H Highway Friction Tester is designed for maintenance testing to evaluate changes in highway pavement friction characteristics due to weathering, polishing, aging, and contaminants. It can be used in difficult test areas, such as bridge decks, off-ramps, city streets, and intersections, giving an accurate continuous friction for the erea being tested. The Highway Friction Tester is a fully instrumented vehicle that uses a Dynatest Two Axis Force Transducer mounted on a retractable fifth wheel assembly.
Open the catalog to page 1COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS ■ ASTM E2340 “Standard Test Method for Measuring the Skid Resistance of Pavements and Other Trafficked Surfaces Using a Continuous Reading, Fixed-Slip Technique” ■ ASTM E1551 “Standard Specification for Special Purpose, Smooth-Tread Tire, Operated on Fixed Braking Slip Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment” ■ ASTM E556 “Calibrating a Wheel Force or Torque Transducer Using a Calibration Platform” SYSTEM HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FEATURES ■ Self-contained continuous friction measuring equipment (CFME) provides measured friction coefficient (Mu) along the...
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