Catalog excerpts

Introduction Airport-Manager: Your Advantage 2 We Turn Data Into Information 4 Airport-Manager Online Dispatching 10 Customers Response
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Airport-Manager helps the specialist in ground handling service, passenger service, aircraft cleaning, deicing, freight transport or baggage handling, to quantify flight schedule dependent operations according to handling rules for subsequent evaluation directly from the flight schedule. The decisions taken may concern: ■ strategic planning in form of customer scenarios ■ traffic scenarios ■ airport scenarios ■ fluctuations in the requirements to reflect seasonal flight schedules ■ operations scheduling based on short- term flight schedule information ■ evaluation of previous flight...
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omplex routines look like chaos. This sentence is a very accurate description of the situation to be found at airports. The flight schedule defines a certain routine, providing a basis for almost all the procedures at the airport: however, the multitude of participating units (resources), the multitude of processes involved (flights) and the infinitely possible number of combinations of the various market participants (ground services operators) all combine to upset this routine, thus restoring chaos. This applies to all those people, who are not in possession of the appropriate tools for...
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Introduction Airport-Manager - We Turn Data Into Information his is the starting point for Airport-Manager. We exploit the flight schedule as a central source of information for resource requirement, shift planning and to plan and control profits and costs. Our customers' goal is to ensure competitive market pricing by efficient and requirement oriented resource planning. Daily Flight Schedule Service Provider A Service Provider B Seasonal Flight Schedule British Airways Austrian Airlines Resource Requirement Costs Proceeds
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We have been offering airport IT manage- Manager for multifarious tasks from flight schedule ment systems on the market since 1993. evaluation and resource requirement determinati-Currently the following customers use Airport- on to real-time dispatching: k 1/ |/ Flughafen Hamburg GmbH (HAM) [/[/[/ CATS Cleaning and Aircraft Technical Services GmbH (HAM) i/ 1/ |/ Groundstars GmbH & Co. KG (HAM) k 1/ |/ Fraport AG (FRA) k 1/ |/ Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (SZG) k 1/ |/ Secport Security Services GmbH (SZG) k 1/ |/ Portground Abfertigungsgesellschaft mbH (LEJ, DRS) k 1/ |/ Portway, handling de...
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Airport-Manager Planning Method ur customers have the know-how in the form of personnel requirements, price tables and airline contracts. We provide the tool to deposit this knowledge in a system that quantifies the individu- al components in combination with the flight schedules and summarises respectively evaluates the concurrence of resource operations. Handling Parameters Flight Schedules Generating of Seasonal Flight Schedule Importing of Seasonal Flight Schedule Exporting of Daily Flight Schedule Management of Daily Flight Schedules Aircraft Positioning Flight Linking Definition of...
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Airport-Manager Planning Flight Schedule Processing irport Manager gives you a graphical user interface to the flight schedule. It allows you positioning of aircraft on parking positions, linking and unlinking of flights and comfortable editing of inbound and outbound times. All changes are updated immediately in the flight schedule browser. In addition to that Airport-Manager offers tools in the flight schedule table to find matching Inbound and Outbound pairs. With adjustable rules also automatic linking of flights is possible, which gives a very good result within a few seconds....
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Airport-Manager Planning Resource Requirement / Shift Planning hift planning in Airport-Manager means modelling of personnel shifts around the requirement graph. By overlapping of shifts, optimizing of breaks, and optimized usage of parttime staff you can increase the utilisation of your recources. You can see the results of your work in the operations reference figures and compare it with former runs. Use the integrated shift generator to create optimal shift models. Resource demand and shift schedule with fitted breaks Comparison between requirements and assets in operations reference...
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Airport-Manager Planning Check-in n Airport-Manager the name check-in stands vicarious for all handling processes where passengers are served individually. Beside the check-in itself this is applicable for passport and customs control. You can plan counters as well as counter staff. In addition to the flight data the arrival behavior of the passengers plays a significant role. Following kinds of check-in can be taken into consideration by the system: Common check-in Flight check-in Late-night check-in Self check-in The planning of check-in resources takes place in graphic environment. The...
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Airport-Manager Online Dispatching Combine Loaders To Teams odul Airport-Manager Dispatching was made for allocation of handling tasks to concrete handling units (Loading teams for example). The procedure contains two steps. 1. Combine loaders to teams 2. Allocate loading teams to pre-planned handling tasks. Loading teams are combined from available employees by drag & drop. Actual employees attendance list can be taken over from a sub system (time recording) or can be entered direct into Airport-Manager. Different colors of employeeor team-bars stand for their different functions. It's...
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Airport-Manager Online Dispatching Allocate Loading Teams To Pre-Planned Handling Tasks irport-Manager doesn't replace a dispatcher. But it assists him giving as much information as possible in a clearly arranged presentation. So he can focus on his core activities. As a side effect there grows a complete handling documentation which can be usefull in case of airline complaints. At two Gantt-charts the dispatcher can see all available loading teams and the pre-planned handling tasks at the aircraft positions. Side-byside alignment of tasks and loading teams is possible as well as vertical...
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