Catalog excerpts

935 SERIES Tactical Direction Finders The location of persons in distress needs to be quickly and accurately determined in order to maximise the chances of a successful rescue, regardless of the prevailing conditions or the theatre of operation. The 935 Series of tactical Direction Finders (DF) provides a range of integrated DF solutions for bus-controlled and standalone direction finding systems. 935 DFs include an integral synthesised receiver covering the frequency range 30 MHz - 470 MHz, together with five Guard Receivers to monitor pre-defined distress frequencies. Bearings may be taken on all six receivers simultaneously. Data decoding is provided for COSPAS-SARSAT messages and for marine DSC messages on the associated Guard Receivers. There is also the option to select sonobuoy bandwidth for DF to sonobuoys. When used with a Personnel Locator System (PLS) Interrogator, a 935 DF system has the capability to operate with Personnel Survival Radios (PSR), such as the AN/PRC-112 and PRC-434, to provide range and bearing information. In addition, the system can provide the bearing coordinates from an embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) in the URX3000 PSR. Bearings are taken in one of two Customer selectable modes: Search and Rescue (SAR) and Combat SAR (CSAR). Discrete outputs are provided for on-top position indication (OTPI) and distress alert The Main synthesised receiver may be tuned in 1 kHz steps. The Guard Receivers may be tuned in 1 kHz steps across the frequency ranges shown in the following table: Receiver Guard RX0 Guard RX1 Guard RX2 Guard RX3 Frequency Range (MHz) 120.000 – 130.000 150.000 – 160.000 240.000 – 250.000 Main channel preset to 406.048 (see text below) 156.525 (CH70) The VHF, Maritime and UHF Guard Receivers have a Main channel and an associated Auxiliary channel. The Main frequencies are pre-programmed, while the auxiliary channels can be programmed by the Customer. Such an arrangement allows distress monitoring to take place on the Main frequencies and training to be carried out on selectable Auxiliary frequencies. Chelton Limited has a policy of continuous development and stress that the information provided is a guide only and does not constitute an offer or contract or part thereof. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this Data Sheet, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors or omissions. The copyright of antenna designs and images is copyright protected and owned by Chelton Limited. ©Chelton Limited. The Chelton Centre, Fourth Avenue, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1TF, UK T: +44 (0)1628 472072 E: info@chelton.com W: chelton
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935 SERIES Tactical Direction Finders 32 REF The COSPAS/SARSAT Guard Receiver embodies a unique technique that enables it to receive and decode SARSAT message data over the full range of standard frequencies from 406.025 MHz to 406.070 MHz without the need for scanning or operator intervention. The Auxiliary channel can be tuned to cover frequencies down to 399 MHz, or up to 406.10 MHz, if required. The GMDSS DSC Guard Receiver is preprogrammed to the VHF DSC Channel 70. The system may be programmed to monitor and report Distress Alerts, All-Ships Calls, Selective Calls and either Distress...
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ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL Frequency 30 MHz - 470 MHz Dimensions 286 x 286 x 90 (maximum) Primary Power 16.0 to 31.5 V d.c., 1.6 A max Weight (kg) 3.8 (maximum) Operational Accuracy: Better than 5 rms (dependent on Connectors MS3114-16-26P ENVIRONMENTAL Mounting Attitude In line with airframe, normal or inverted Mounting Method Temperature Altitude Temperature Variation Vibration Shock EUROCAE ED-14C/RTCA DO-160C Section 8 Cat L Fixed Wing Cat Y Helicopter EUROCRAE ED-14C/RTCA DO-160C Section 7 Normal operation: Crash Condition: Sustained (Acceleration): 6 g, 11 ms Yi sine 15 g, 11 ms Y sine 12...
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