Catalog excerpts

CAE Tropos™-6000XR Visual Solution More than 20 years of leadership in visual technology The CAE Tropos™-6000XR is the latest evolution of visual solutions for civil aviation training. It combines the rich and proven feature set developed from more than 20 years of experience in high-end visual solutions, CAE Tropos™ software and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware technologies. The CAE Tropos™-6000XR enhances the realism of pilot training visual cues through extensive use of satellite imagery, dynamic airport environments, advanced weather effects and a continuous world database. The...
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Features The CAE Tropos™-6000XR solution delivers an unprecedented visual realism exceeding the regulatory requirements of Level D qualification with features focus around: Image generator • 3,000,000 visible polygons / system at 60Hz • 700,000 lights points / system at 60Hz • High precision light point rendering • Up to 64x anti-aliasing for stable airport markings and scene • Unique dynamic scene load management mechanism • Dynamic color equalizer for optimal colors CAE Airport Clutter Editor (ACE) Utility • rovides user with customizable 3D model clutter P (dynamic & static) • nables the...
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customers a number of compelling benefits for their flight training organization. These include: • ne-stop shop when combined with a new CAE fullO flight simulator • ong-term commitment of CAE towards visual L simulation evolution and support • Excellent MTBFs and low life cycle cost • Minimal maintenance required and excellent reliability • Leveraging COTS technology for highest performance W • orldwide customer support and service CAE is unique in its ability to offer customers the products, services and support required for a visual turnkey solution that can enhance operational efficiency
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CAE 8585 Côte de Liesse Saint-Laurent, Québec Canada H4T 1G6 www.cae.com/civil-aviation/
Open the catalog to page 6All CAE catalogs and technical brochures
Flight Training Devices
6 Pages
CAEC XR series
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Training Systems Integration
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XR series Training
2 Pages
2 Pages