Catalog excerpts
M4 TORNADOamics • Automated Mineral Analyzer for Mining and Geosciences Innovation with Integrity
Open the catalog to page 1Micro-XRF is a highly sensitive and non-destructive elemental analysis method for diverse set of samples requiring little or no sample preparation. The M4 TORNADOAMICS mineral analyzer tool brings together the ultra-fast high resolution elemental distribution analysis using Bruker's M4 TORNADO spectrometer and the powerful mineral identification and characterization software AMICS. This marriage creates the world's first benchtop Micro-XRF mineral analyzer. Micro- XRF Mineral Analyzer M4 TORNADOAMICS is the world's first automated mineral analyzer based on X-ray fluorescence technology. It...
Open the catalog to page 2AMICS Mineral Analysis with M4 TORNADO Automated Mineralogy Analyzing drill cores, thin sections, fossils or geologically interesting samples has its challenges, especially to obtain the statistical and spatial distribution of minerals over larger sample areas in the centimeter range. With a light microscope quick results can be acquired, but sample preparation and an experienced mineralogist is required then. Moreover, the mineral to be examined can not be determined certainly. Alternatively, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) and some...
Open the catalog to page 3Quickly from sample to result Sample preparation can be costly and time consuming. Nevertheless, it is often considered necessary in order to obtain good results. However, in some cases, e.g. fossils, it is not possible to prepare the sample. In other cases preparation may damage, distort or even disrupt the specimen. Apart from this, maintenance costs for the sample preparation equipment are also significant. With M4 TORNADOAMICS samples need no special preparation, e.g. a sample simply cut by saw or even a raw fossil can be easily analyzed as it is. A reasonably flat sample improves the...
Open the catalog to page 4History and pedigree of AMICS The Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterization System (AMICS) is the latest software package for automated identification and quantification of minerals and synthetic phases. It was developed by the highly qualified and experienced development team lead by Dr. Ying Gu, who invented the Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA) in the 1990's. The key of the AMICS software package lies in its innovative analysis capabilities. The use of modern computing and software methodologies combined with a type of mineral fingerprinting enables extremely fast mineral...
Open the catalog to page 5Powerful result exploration, browsing and presentation The measured data can be opened in AMICSProcess as soon as the measurement is completed, even if subsequent measurements are still running. The sample or measurement can be visually represented in either a pseudo Backscattered Electron (BSE) image based on X-ray intensity, as an identified minerals view, or a mirror view. The mirror view allows a correlation of the image and mineral views. Image areas can be explored and zoomed in with the mouse. Images can be copied from here for reports. To focus on a particular mineral, a filter can...
Open the catalog to page 6Efficient sample excitation Using a polycapillary X-ray optic, the X-rays from the tube are collected and focused onto smallest sample areas. Thus, a spot on the sample with a diameter < 20 pm (for Mo Ka) yields the same intensity as a 3 mm spot without the lens. Fast spectrum acquisition The M4 AMICS spectrometer is equipped with two XFlash® silicon drift detectors (SDD) enabling count rates of > 600 kcps (using dual detectors) combined with an energy resolution < 145 eV. The dual 30 mm2 detectors allow a large solid angle for X-ray collection and parallel processing. For low X-ray yield...
Open the catalog to page 7Sample types # Bruker Nano GmbH Berlin ■ Germany Phone +49 (30) 670990-0 Fax +49 (30) 670990-30 Bruker AXS Inc. Madison, WI ■ USA Phone +1 (608) 276 3000 Fax +1 (608) 276 3006 Bruker Pty Ltd. Darra, QLD ■ Australia Phone +61 (3) 9474 7000 Fax +61 (3) 9474 7070 All configurations and specifications are subject to change without notice. Order No. DOC-B81-EXS011 © 2017 Bruker Nano GmbH.
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