Catalog excerpts

Intrusion Alarm Systems | A-Link Plus Remote Programming Software BOSCH Invented for life ► View and update compatible Bosch control panel data ► Send and receive programming data between the A-Link Plus computer and the control panel ► Remotely arm or disarm the control panel and outputs control ► View control panel event history ► Multi-lingual user interface ITS-ALINK-PLUS software is the remote programming software for compatible Bosch control panels. It provides a flexible and user-friendly interface between a PC and compatible Bosch Security Systems, Inc. (Bosch) control panels. With this software, the Bosch control panels can be programmed remotely through a modem, or directly from the PC using the Direct Link cable. Use this software to manage customer information, program customer control panels, and remotely connect to, and operate, control panels. It is easy to upload and download programming information between the control panel and the PC, obtain a visual representation of current system status, arm or disarm the system, operate various programmable outputs, and obtain reports of control panel data and journal logs. The transfer tool transfers data from older versions of A-LINK software to the ITS-ALINK-PLUS software. • Can turn various programmable outputs on or off. Report Capability The last 40 events in the control panel can be displayed and printed for a hardcopy record. Three Programmable Security Levels The system administrator (Administrator Level) can enable or disable certain ITS-ALINK-PLUS software functions for each operator by assigning a required security level to each function and a security level to each operator. Operators can only perform functions for which they have a valid security level. The available security levels are: • Administrator Level: allows full access to all system configurations • Operator Level: allows full access to all system configurations except print and user settings • Registrar Level: allows entry of customer information only Installation/configuration notes Remote Operation Once a valid connection is established between the PC and control panel, operators with appropriate security levels: • Can arm or disarm the system • Can turn sirens on or off Compatibility Information The ITS-ALINK-PLUS software supports the following control panels: • ICP-CMS6-CHI v1.0 (and higher) • ICP-CMS8-CHI v1.0 (and higher)
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2 | A-Link Plus Remote Programming Software Minimum System Requirements Trademarks Trademark names are used throughout this document. In most cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks in one or more countries by their respective owners. Rather than placing a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trademark name, Bosch Security Systems, Inc. uses the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of infringing the trademark. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States and other...
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Represented by: Americas: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Europe, Middle East, Africa: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com China: Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21...
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