Catalog excerpts

Revolving Doors If an entry is a mobility hotspot that signifies the gateway to the visitor’s destination, a building’s entrance is a small mobility hotspot in itself. The entrance is the first contact a visitor has with a building; it is the building’s calling card and should signal to the visitor that he is in the right place; that he has almost reached his destination. As for any other mobility hotspot, the entrance needs to fit the building’s criteria on three key areas: sustainability, security and service. However the entrance requires a fourth element: gr
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With 140 years of experience providing beautiful, environmentally friendly and successful entrance solutions, Boon Edam can make virtually all entrance wishes come true. We provide a range of standardised solutions that have been tried and tested. Your design ideas and our engineering expertise can turn these proven technologies into a beautiful and workable door.
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Sustainability Revolving doors are the most energy efficient entrance solutions available today. The always open, always closed principle of a revolving door ensures that the conditioned inside air and the unconditioned outside air remain separated, preventing draught, dust and noise coming into the building. As less energy is required to maintain the conditioned climate inside the building, revolving doors help reduce the carbon footprint of a building and save both energy and cost. The same effect can be reached by installing a draught lobby but for draught lobbies with conventional...
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Security Security in an entry has two different aspects: the security of the building and the safety of its users. Boon Edam revolving doors comply with the strictest safety regulations. Sensors in the door wings and the frame ensure that the speed with which the door revolves is limited. Other sensors can prevent or minimise the force of impact of the door wing on users. These settings can be customised to suit your building’s requirements; for applications where children, elderly people or people with special needs form a large part of the user profile, preventing all impact is preferable....
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Crystal Tourniket Our Cystal Tourniket is the ultimate eye catcher. Virtually completely transparent with only a minimal stainless steel frame and patch fittings for maximum strength, it exudes elegance and style. This revolving door is avai lable with three or four door wings and as an element of fun or customisation, tinted glass can be used for the door wings and curved walls. The Crystal Tourniket is available with either manual or automatic operation, however we recommend using an automatic drive for diameters of over 2800mm.
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NRG+ Tourniket The NRG+ Tourniket is the most unique product in our product range. This manual revolving door is the first door in the world to turn the energy applied to rotate it into electricity. The electricity generated from one turn is limited but enough to power the lights in the ceiling of the door. With technology improving we expect to be able to increase the amount of energy generated in the future in order for the door to truly contribute to the building’s energy supply. This revolving door is available with three or four door wings and a full range of finish options. As a...
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Duotour Our Duotour is an automatic revolving door with two door wings. A showcase or curved panel at the end of each door wing ensures that the always open, always closed principle of the revolving door is maintained. Sliding or swinging doors are incorporated between the two showcases. These allow the Duotour to be used as a revolving door or as a sliding or swinging door; they also provide free egress in case of an emergency or passage to hospital beds or other large objects. This door is particularly well suited to healthcare facilities or shopping centres as the large segments allow...
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Tournex A larger version of the Tourniket, the Tournex is available with three or four door wings and allows easy and quick access to large amounts of visitors, wheelchairs, large carts and luggage. Like the Tourniket it is available in virtually any colour or finish. Optional showcases around the centre column of the door set allow for customisation or advertisements. Because of its size it is only available in an automatic version. Twintour Revolving doors force visitors to walk through them in a semi-circle. This can be inconvenient in airports or large shopping centres where visitors...
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Product Overview Tourniket Crystal NRG+ Tournex Duotour Twintour Tourlock Tourlock Circlelock Swinglane Speedlane Speedlane Speedlane Twinglock Winglock Transpalock Trilock Trilock Trilock Trilock Turnlock Turnlock Turnlock Turnlock # Door Wings Capacity / Minute Height (mm) (Under Canopy / Barrier) Security Level Disabled Access Emergency Exit* Fail-Safe / Fail-Secure Collapsible Door Set / Barrier Stainless Steel Powdercoated Aluminium Anodised Aluminium Burglary Resistance Package Night Locking Doors Requirements are subject to local regulations
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Crystal Tourniket Royal Boon Edam International B.V. | P.O. Box 40 | 1135 ZG Edam | The Netherlands T +31 (0)299 38 08 08 | info@boonedam.com | www.boonedam.com Boon Edam operates a policy of continuous refinement and improvement and therefore reserves the right to modify design and details at any time.
Open the catalog to page 11All Boon Edam catalogs and technical brochures
Revolving Doors Product
11 Pages
High Security Doors and Portals
13 Pages
Swinglane 900
2 Pages
Green Retrofit
2 Pages
Turnlock 250
2 Pages
Speedlane 900
2 Pages
Turnlock 200
2 Pages
Turnlock 100
3 Pages
Speed Gates
13 Pages
Tripode Turnstiles
11 Pages
6 Pages