Catalog excerpts

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ThE Q400 AIRCRAfT. UNMATChEd VERSATILITY ANd VALUE. ACCOMMOdATINg MORE PASSENgERS With the Q400 aircraft, you benefit from versatility that enables you to build business, create passenger loyalty and increase efficiencies. With more seats, more legroom, more passengers, more cargo and more flights per day, it is the most profitable turboprop in the market, capable of adapting to a variety of business models. The Q400 aircraft carries 14 more passengers that any other turboprop and has the extra payload capacity to carry their bags – all while providing more range. In fact, the Q400 aircraft...
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fLExIbLE NETwORk SOLUTIONS ExTRA TIME fLYINg 30% faster than conventional turboprops, the Q400 aircraft allows you to add more flights to your schedule. Outfitted with 2 passenger cabin doors, dedicated catering and cargo doors, it delivers faster turnaround time for even greater productivity. With the longest maintenance intervals in the industry, the Q400 aircraft will spend more time in the air and less time in the shop. by providing an extra 270 days of flying before the next C-Check, you’re able to generate more revenue while reducing cost. eXTra 270 DayS OF FlyIng beFOre The neXT...
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UNCOMPROMISINg PASSENgER COMfORT ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIbLE Thanks to the Q400 aircraft’s unique active noise and Vibration Suppression system, passengers enjoy a quieter cabin. The aircraft also features large windows that maximize natural light and improved leD lighting that provide for a more relaxed environment. What’s more, the optional IFe system allows passengers to access content on their personal devices and enjoy entertainment in flight. In addition to being one of the quietest aircraft flying today, the Q400 aircraft burns 30% less fuel and produces up to 30% lower emissions on...
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BomBardier CommerCial airCraft email: bca.marketing@aero.bombardier.com commercialaircraft.bombardier.com bombardier, Q Series, Q400 and the evolution of Mobility are trademarks of bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. The information in this document is proprietary to bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. all bombardier Commercial aircraft specifications and data are approximate, may change without notice and are subject to certain operating rules, assumptions and other conditions. This document does not constitute an offer, commitment, representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind, and...
Open the catalog to page 5All BOMBARDIER catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Q Series
19 Pages
9 Pages
C Series CS100 EPD
7 Pages
2 Pages
23 Pages
Global 8000
2 Pages
2 Pages
CS 100
2 Pages
CRJ series Brochure
25 Pages
C series Brochure
23 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages