Catalog excerpts

WELDING TECHNOLOGIES ARVAL 5 - XLC TYPEBalancers from 100 to 200kg ■ XLC type (Extra Large Casted)
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■ Main features > Cast aluminium casing and cover > Gradual adjustment of the effective load by endless screw > Tapered drum (high strength aluminium) > Spring encapsulated (safety) > Insulated cable > Swivel > Safety chain ■ Main applications > Welding guns > Heavy tooling ROBOTIC WELDING MANUAL WELDING STATIONARY WELDING MOBILE WELDING LASER WELDING ARO CONTROLS ARO SYSTEMS ARO®Rebuild PARTS & COMPONENTS The information contained within this brochure is deemed to be correct at the time of going to press. Due to the policy of continued improvement, we reserve the right to change any...
Open the catalog to page 2All ARO WELDING TECHNOLOGIES catalogs and technical brochures
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ARO Robotic 3G Gun
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ARO Technologies Overview
8 Pages