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Catalog excerpts

EC145 - 3

Technical Data Baseline Aircraft Definition GENERAL • Energy absorbing fuselage • Tail boom with fixed horizontal stabilizer and two endplates • Upper deck with fittings for main gearbox, engines, hydraulic and cooling system • Cowlings for main transmission and engines • Skid-type landing gear with skid protectors, capable of taking ground-handling wheels • Long boarding steps, LH and RH • Cold weather kit • Built-in maintenance steps and grips • Exterior painting (single color) COCKPIT, CABIN AND CARGO COMPARTMENT • One-level cabin and cargo compartment floor with integrated rails •...

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EC145 - 4

Technical Data TRANSMISSION SYSTEM • Main transmission including an independent redundant lubrication system and monitoring sensors • Rotor brake system • Tail rotor transmission and intermediate transmission with splash lubrication, magnetic plug and oil level sight gauge ROTOR AND FLIGHT CONTROLS • Hingeless main rotor (System Bölkow) with 4 glass and carbon fiber reinforced blades with erosion protection strip • Semi-rigid tail rotor with 2 twisted glass fiber reinforced blades of new technology with erosion protection strip • Basic provisions for an easy integration of a balancing...

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EC145 - 5

© AIRBUS HELICOPTERS, Aeroport International Marseille Provence - 13725 Marignane Cedex France 201 - All rights reserved Airbus Helicopters’ logo and the names of its products and services are registered trademarks. Airbus Helicopters reserves the right to make configuration and data changes at any time without notice. The facts and figures contained in this document and expressed in good faith do not constitute any offer or contract with Airbus Helicopters. Designed by AIRBUS HELICOPTERS Photos: © AIRBUS HELICOPTERS Cover photo: © Luis Vizcaino Printed by SPI (France)

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All Airbus Helicopters catalogs and technical brochures

  1. AS365 N3+

    4 Pages

  2. 2019 H145

    10 Pages

  3. 2019 H135

    5 Pages

  4. H125

    5 Pages

  5. H130

    5 Pages

  6. Airbus FHS

    12 Pages

  7. H225M

    20 Pages

  8. H215M

    5 Pages

  9. AS565 MBe

    8 Pages

  10. H135M

    16 Pages

  11. H125M

    16 Pages

  12. HForce

    6 Pages

  13. H155

    2 Pages

  14. H160

    4 Pages

  15. H175

    1 Pages

  16. H175

    4 Pages

  17. H225

    24 Pages

  18. H215

    16 Pages

  19. H175

    20 Pages

  20. H155 B1

    4 Pages

  21. Civil Range

    8 Pages

  22. HCARE

    12 Pages

  23. H135-2016

    24 Pages

  24. H120-2016

    20 Pages

  25. Bro-H125-2016

    16 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. H125

    2 Pages

  2. H130

    8 Pages

  3. H135

    8 Pages

  4. H145

    8 Pages

  5. AS365 N3+

    5 Pages