Catalog excerpts
AJ GROUP profesjonalna odziez wodoochronna AJ GROUP professional waterproof clothing
Open the catalog to page 13. Odziez wodoochronna standard PROS i AQUAPROS Waterproof standard clothing PROS & AQUAPROS 15. Odziez wodoochronna osfrzegawcza PROS i AQUAPROS Waterproof warning clothing PROS & AQUAPROS 27. Odziez wodoochronna antyelektrostatyczna i multiochronna PROS Waterproof antistatic & multisafety clothing PROS 28. model 101/A, 001 A, 112A 29. model 101/001/A, 106/A 30. model 500/A 31. model 501/A 32. model 512/A, 506/A, 503/A 61. Spodniobuty i wodery PROS Chest waders and thigh waders PROS 71. Odziez wodoochronna FISHARP Waterproof clothing FISHARP 75. Tkaniny / Fabrics 78. Rozmiary / Sizes 33....
Open the catalog to page 33E Who we are? With a view to safety, ergonomic and comfort of use AJ GROUP belongs to the group of the world leaders in manufacturing professional waterproof clothing. The company has a long tradition in designing and producing waterproof clothing and all of their professional elements. For the safety and comfort in use, AJ GROUP develops technologies of production of the best materials for clothing production which applies to Personal Protective Equipment in various conditions such as: industry, outdoor, municipal services, and also shipping, fishing orangling. Our brands PROS, AQUAPROS,...
Open the catalog to page 4Odziez wodoochronna standard PROS i AQUAPROS Waterproof standard clothing PROS & AQUAPROS
Open the catalog to page 5Model 101 Opts: Kurtka wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow, kroj kurtki zostat zaprojektowany z myslq o zwi^kszeniu odpornosci na uszkodzenia mechaniczne. Podstawowy model wkolekcji. Description: The jacket is made of the technique of double welding which increases the strength of the seams. Jacket is designed for increase resistance to mechanical damage. Standard model in whole range. Material / Fabric: Rozmlary / Sizes: Kolory / Colours: Opls: Kurtka wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow, kroj kurtki zostat...
Open the catalog to page 6Odziez wodoochronna Waterproof clothing Opts: Kurtka wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. W kurtce zostat zaprojektowany bawet umozliwiajqcy cyrkulacje powietrza, oraz regulacja na rekawach w formie izepu. Wewnetizna strona stojki wykonana z wysoklej jakosci polaru, ktory zwi^ksza komfort uzytkowania. Description: The jacket is made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. In the jacket, there is designed a special rear wentillation allowing air circulation, and regulation on the sleeves in the form of velcro,...
Open the catalog to page 7Model 616 Opts: Kurtka wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. Zamek kryty plisq z krytymi napami eliminuje zaczepianie lub haczenle si$ sieci rybackich. Description: The jacket is made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. The zip is covered by pleat with covered snaps, it eliminates hooking and catching of fishing net. Material / Fabric: Rozmlary / Sizes: Kolory / Colours: Model 181 Opls: Kurtka wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow, kroj kurtki zostat zaprojektowany z...
Open the catalog to page 8Odziez wodoochronna Waterproof clothing Opts: Peleryna wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. Doskonale zabezpiecza przed deszczem i wiatrem. Dedykowana dla pracownikow nadzoru i ochrony. Description: The poncho is made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. It gives excellent protection against rain and wind. Dedicated for security and guarding service workers. Material / Fabric: Rozmtary / Sizes: Koloiy / Colours: Opts: Peleryna wykonana technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. W...
Open the catalog to page 9Waterproof clothing Model 001 MAX Opts: Spodnie ogrodniczki wykonane technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. Spodnie typu ogrodniczki o podwyzszonym karczku, zapewniajq ochron§ brzucha przed zamoczeniem, dodatkowe wzmocnienie na kolanach zwiqksza wytrzymatosc spodni na przetarcia. Description: The bibpants made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. The bibpants with raised yoke. They provide better belly protection against getting wet, additional reinforcement on the knees increases the strength of the trousers to...
Open the catalog to page 10Odziez wodoochronna Waterproof clothing Opts: Ubranie sktada si$ z kurtki kangurki I spodnie ogrodniczek. Zapewnia skutecznq ochron§ przed wiatrem i deszczem. Wykonane technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktore zwipksza wytrzymatosc szwow. Manszety zabezpieczajq przed dostaniem si§ wody do r^kawow i nogawek. Description: The clothing set contains a smock shape jacket and bibpants. It provides effective protection against wind and rain. The clothing made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. The vestibules protect against getting water into the sleeves...
Open the catalog to page 11Waterproof clothing Model 104/K Opts: Kombinezon z kaloszami wykonany technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktory zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc szwow. Kalosze wgrzane na state zabezpieczajq stroj przed dostaniem si^wodydo wewnqtrz. Description: The overall with boots made of the technique of double welding, which increases the strength of the seams. The welded boots for permanent protect the overall from getting water inside. Material / Fabric: Rozmlary / Sizes: (+ shoe size / + rozmiar buta) Kolory / Colours: Opls: Kombinezon wykonany technikq obustronnego zgrzewania, ktora zwi^ksza wytrzymatosc...
Open the catalog to page 12Odziez wodoochronna Waterproof clothing Opts: Kurtka przeznaczona do uzytku w niesprzyjajqcych warunkach pogodowych. Zapewnia skutecznq ochron$ przed wiatrem i deszczem, a elementy tasmy odblaskowej dodatkowo poprawiajq bezpieczehstwo uzytkownika, zwi^kszajqc jego widocznosc. Description: The jacket is intended for use In unfavorable weather conditions. Provides effective protection against wind and rain, and additional elements of reflective tape improves the user's safety, by increasing its visibility. Material / Fabric: Rozmtary / Sizes: Koloiy / Colours: Model 4091 Opts: Spodnie do pasa...
Open the catalog to page 13All Af Group catalogs and technical brochures
Catalogue 2019
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