Catalog excerpts
Aero oscout GmbH H Technikum mstrasse 21 1 6048 Horw w Switzerland S d pho one: +41 41 349 33 85 1 5 f fax: +41 41 349 36 37 1 7 e-mai il: info@ae h w web: h Aerocout A anced GC A Adva d CS Adv vance Gro ed ound Cont St trol tation For The n Sc cout B1-100 UAV Hel B V licopt ter scout Adva anced Grou und Contro Station (AGCS) w ol with its tou uch screen n GENERAL The Aeros provides a capabilities in order to opera the Aeroscout unm all ate manned au utonomous helicopter r systems, in particul the Scout B1-100 UAV helicopter. Th include mission planning, lar 0 his es , mission co ontrol, disp of UAV status info play ormation, and UAV performance monitoring a g. FEATURES The Aeros scout AGCS features include easy transp e portability required fo outdoor or r operations a single source po s, ower suppl (110…22 ly 20V), two sunlight rea s adable displays, one e touch scre for mai UAV com een in mmands sel lection, the computer display or video disp mode, e r r play , a water-re esistant key yboard, and two inte elligent joys sticks. The AGCS also provides stabilized o d voltages fo field ope or eration, e.g. for system startup or for the AG data lin modules m GCS nk s. OPERATION The Aero oscout AGC allows b CS both assiste flight mode (veloci control by joystick ed ity k input) and fully auto d onomous GPS waypoi mode (position in G int ( nput). The r ruggedized computer d r keyboard allows all m mission pla anning and modificat d tions on the field. In a e addition, se everal USB B ports are available for mission downloa or data upload. Th main sc n ad he creen show all UAV ws V status inf formation, while the second t e touch scre een allows the sele s ection of major UAV m V commands such as take-off, lan nding, or en ngine shutd down. INFORMAT TION For fur rther inform mation plea contact Aeroscout GmbH, Sw ase witzerland. Subject to change witho out notice. © Aeroscout GmbH 2013, Switzerland
Open the catalog to page 1Aeroscout Advanced GCS Windows XP/7 sunlight readable 14” TFT sunlight readable 8” TFT 2 water-proof keyboard optical USB mouse USB Hub, RS-232 Ethernet (optional) Video In/Out 5V and 12V (standard) 0 ... 40 °C 19 kg 0.58 x 0.44 x 0.35 m 110 - 220 V automatic UAV mode standard weGCS interface 2x RS232 available TECHNICAL DATA Operating system Main monitor Touch screen monitor Number of joysticks Keyboard Mouse Interfaces Network Video (computer/video selector) Stabilized voltages Temperature range Weight (approx.) Dimension (length x width x height) Power supply MISSION CONTROL DATA •...
Open the catalog to page 2All Aeroscout GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Scout B-330 UAV Helicopter
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Aeroscout UAV Rotor Blade
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Advanced Aeroscout GCS
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Scout B1-100 UAV Helicopter
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