Catalog excerpts

OPTIMARE SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar APPLICATION • ong-range detection of oil spills L • etection of maritime targets D • urveillance of fishing activities S • Detection & mapping of speed boat wakes A Member of Aerodata Group Wide-swath radar imaging for airborne maritime observation The OPTIMARE SLAR is a cloud-penetrating imaging X-band radar for day & night airborne maritime observation. Assuming sufficient aircraft altitude the OPTIMARE SLAR can have a swath width of more than 120 kilometers. The sensor is used for mapping the sea surface with regard to oil spills, vessels, wakes and many more. Its well-proven imaging capabilities are ideally suited to support situational awareness and is often used to complement the discrete target information provided by search radars, automatic identification systems and direction finders. Moreover, SLAR has been the standard and prime technique for airborne oil spill surveillance since several decades. The lightweight OPTIMARE SLAR with its outstanding performance and its unique ultra-thin antenna design maintains a superior position and is the SLAR solution of choice for a modern airborne maritime surveillance system. The OPTIMARE SLAR is available both as stand-alone instrument and as integral part of the AERODATA/OPTIMARE OctoPod. Wide-area surveillance using SLAR SLAR image of an oil spill
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opumare A Member of Aerodata Group OPTIMARE SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar SPECIFICATION
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