Linear Precision Potentiometer Model 400 Series
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Linear Precision Potentiometer Model 400 Series - 1

Features: • Linear actuation • Conductive plastic • Multiple styles available Model Styles Available Model # 423 424 432 434 472 474 482 484 Termination Style Wire Leads Gold Plated Terminals Wire Leads Gold Plated Terminals Wire Leads Gold Plated Terminals Wire Leads Gold Plated Terminals Body Style Round Round Round with Mounting Flange Round with Mounting Flange Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular with Mounting Flange Rectangular with Mounting Flange Weight (grams) 28 + (16 x mechanical travel) 28 + (16 x mechanical travel) 38 + (16 x mechanical travel) 38 + (16 x mechanical travel) 21 + (12 x mechanical travel) 21 + (12 x mechanical travel) 23 + (12 x mechanical travel) 23 + (12 x mechanical travel) Resistance Range Standard Resistance Tolerance Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance Independent Linearity2 Minimum Practical Independent Linearity Input Voltage Power Rating Dielectric Strength Insulation Resistance Output smoothness Actual Electrical Travel Electrical Continuity Travel End Voltage_ Temperature Coefficient of Resistance3 Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage4 Electrical see Table 1 _110% _±5% see Table 1 see Table 1 400 VDC maximum, not to exceed power rating see Table 1 for Watts at 70°C, derating to 0 at 125°C _1,000 V rms 1,000 Megohms minimum 0.1% maximum at 10" to 18" per minute see Table 1 within mechanical travel maximum 0.5% of input voltage _essentially infinite -400 ppm/°C typical ±10 ppm/°C typical TT Electronics | BI Technologies 4200 Bonita Place, Fullerton, CA USA 92835 | Ph: +1 714 447 2345 | General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics' own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. © TT electronics plc Issue A 11/2016 Page 1

Linear Precision Potentiometer Model 400 Series - 2

Mechanical JSpecifications subject to change without notice. 2 Linearity is measured between 1% and 99% of input voltage. 2 Special TCR available to ±100 ppm/°C. 4 Measured with 10 VDC CW to CCW and slider at SO% of electrical travel. Environmental Ordering Table 1 General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics' own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics | BI Technologies 4200 Bonita Place, Fullerton, CA USA 92835 | Ph: +1 714 447...

Linear Precision Potentiometer Model 400 Series - 3

Linear Precision PotentiometerFeature Codes Center Tap General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics' own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics | BI Technologies 4200 Bonita Place, Fullerton, CA USA 92835 | Ph: +1 714 447 2345 |

Linear Precision Potentiometer Model 400 Series - 4

Linear Precision Potentiometer Mode 423 Wire Lead Mode Section Section Wire Lead Mode Wire Leads Wire Lead Mode Wire Leads Wire Lead Mode Wire Leads Outline Drawings Terminal Model Termind Mode Mounting Hole Terminal Model (Fully Retracted) Mounting Hole .136 Dia.(Typ. 4 Pics ) Model Number Notes: * Dual sections and Center Tap are available on special order only *• Diameter is 0.1248' +0.0000' / -0.0003' Unspecified tolerances are ±0.005' Dimensions for "Wire Lead" models are the same as “Terminal" models except as indicated. Housings, brackets, and caps are anodized aluminum. Wire leads...


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