GE H85 Turboprop Engine
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GE H85 Turboprop Engine - 1

GE Aviation Business & General Aviation • Fuel control unit • Fuel pump • Ignition unit • ITT transmitter • Gas generator speed sensor • Oil system sensors and transmitters • Torquemeter transmitter • Propeller speed governor with Beta switch • Propeller speed sensor • Propeller over speed limiter • Engine mount isolators • Engine auto start and limiter unit Optional accessories • Engine fire bulkheads • Starter/generator • Exhaust stacks Overview The GE H85 expands the GE Aviation turboprop lineup with higher levels of power and performance. Featuring a maximum 850 SHP rating for both Takeoff and Maximum Continuous operation, the H85 answers the need for increased power required by higher performance turboprop aircraft. The GE H85 features sophisticated technologies to reach higher levels of performance than preceding engine models. These technologies deliver more shaft horsepower, improve engine fuel efficiency and provide increased temperature margin, significantly enhancing hot-day takeoff capability and high-altitude performance. In addition, the unique configuration of the engine simplifies maintenance by eliminating the need for recurrent fuel nozzle maintenance and periodic hot section inspections. With the standard auto start and limiting unit for ground operations along with linear throttle response, the GE H85 eases pilot workload and enhances engine value and operability. Standard engine hardware

GE H85 Turboprop Engine - 2

GE Aviation Business & General Aviation Power Output Propeller Rotation Weight (basic dry mass) Specifications subject to change without notice. Beranových 65 199 02 Praha 9 Czech Republic GE Aviation Czech, s.r.o. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the General Electric Company. Maximum takeoff power (Preliminary Data) Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia Michal Ptacnik T +420 222 538 701 C +420 602 643 547 © 2012 General Electric Company All Rights Reserved. North & South America Greg Ryan T +1 786 999 0680 C +1 954 292 5312 Basic Warranty (whichever...


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