
Liquid Cold Plate The function of this Plate is to provide mechanical support to the electronic units and to keep the electronic components temperature below a certain required limit. It is realized using Addictive Manufacturing tecnique. Environmental Control Systems FIMAC Via Piemonte, 19 20030 SENAGO (Milano) Italy www.fimac.aero Tel.: +39 0299010754 Fax: +39 0299010759 e-mail: fimac@fimac.aero TECHNICAL DATA:
カタログの1ページ目を開くFIMAC SPAのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Rudder Bias Actuator
1 ページ
Pressure Switches
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Sprag Lock Valve
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Tail Shut-Off Valve
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Cabin Cooling System
1 ページ
Hydraulic Actuator
1 ページ
Air Brake Actuator
1 ページ