Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software
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Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software - 1

Materials testing Product Information Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software Control Cube und Cubus - compact and powerful Cubus testing software Range of application Servo-hydraulic testing systems are the preferred option for fatigue and fatigue strength tests. The performance of these systems is determined to a large degree by the measurement and control electronics used, together with the associated testing software. The Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software are ideal both for new testing systems and for retrofitting to existing servo-hydraulic testing systems, as well as for multiaxial applications. Advantages and features A measurement and control system consisting of the Control Cube servo-controller and Cubus testing soft‐ ware includes the following outstanding features: • simple, intuitive and well-structured user interface shortens familiarization times • flexible, modular design allows straightforward system configuration to accommodate both simple and complex testing requirements • easily expanded from 1 to 32 control channels for multi-channel applications • flexible and space-saving with compact ½ 19’’ housing with integral signal generator - the world's smallest servo controller • safety concept includes integrated safety interface for Emergency STOP • basic unit available as 1 or 2-channel version • optimized 4 kHz data acquisition and control frequency for cyclic testing requirements • 19-bit resolution for reliable, highly accurate test data acquisition • reliable PC connection and high data transfer rate via Ethernet • Cubuslight basic software and Cubus testing software for wide range of customer-specific testing situations • QanTiM® software package for simulation of actual operating loads. This system was developed by Zwick in collaboration with CaTs3 (Consultants in Automated Test & Structuraldynamic Simulation Systems). The company's longstanding experience and expertise are reflected in a highly efficient product capable of handling customers' constantly expanding needs while at the same time meeting Zwick's high safety and quality standards. During development, special attention was paid to achieving a high degree of testing system flexibility and expandability. Impressive features of the Cubus soft‐ ware platform include outstanding versatility and an extremely user-friendly operating concept, especially when faced with frequently changing testing require‐ ments. From configuration of the test bench to routine cyclic tests to advanced applications - there is a Cubus test program to suit all. For simulation of actual service loads QanTiM iteration® s

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Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software - 2

Zwick Materials testing Zw/ck / RoellProduct Information Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software CTA: 92289 1 2 34 56789 10 11 Modular configuration versions of Control Cube Configuration versions Control channels Universal measurement amplifiers for sensors Analog ±10V outputs (configurable) Analog ±10V set-value inputs Analog ±10V measurement inputs Digital inputs Digital outputs Item No. All data at ambient temperature. We reserve the right to make technical changes in the course of ongoing development.

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Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software - 3

Zwick Materials testing Product Information Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software Cubuslight basic software Each Control Cube servo controller is supplied with Cubuslight basic software. This contains all functions required to configure the test bench and adapt it to the testing situation involved. Cubuslight also includes a test module which allows simple cyclic tests to be performed. Cubus testing software is arranged in three modules. • Setup configuration of test bench and set-up of all control parameters and settings • Data data acquisition, data display and data...

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Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software - 4

Zwick Materials testing Zw/ck / RoellProduct Information Control Cube servo controller and Cubus testing software General functions • event recording • virtual channels • password protection / user management • transducer linearization • external analog set-value specification • external monitor outputs, e.g. force, displacement • Language Swap Measured value acquisition and display • X-Y graph • data export / data display • time sequence • user-configurable digital displays: real time, max, min, amplitude, mean value, peak, trough, cycle counter • peak-value acquisition Control • PID...

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