Orion HD80
1 / 2Pagine


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Orion HD80 - 1

Orion HD80 High-performance 8-inch stabilized EO/IR camera system for small unmanned vehicles 0 MISSION PROVEN TRL 9 for military and commercial applications Best-in-class robustness and stability K EMBEDDED VIDEO PROCESSING Electronic stabilization and scene tracking <g) ONBOARD GPS/INS Accurate real-time vehicle and target location % VISIBLE AND THERMAL CAMERAS Day and night operations with a single payload © ITAR FREE CO 720P HD DIGITAL VIDEO Fully digital, h.264-compliant video pipeline ft ENVIRONMENTALLY SEALED Highly resistant to dust and water NVG-COMPATIBLE LASER POINTER 850nm laser for precise and discreet pointing Q ETHERNET INTERFACE Video and gimbal control over ethernet or RS-232 & METADATA Target location, gimbal health, and more Non-controlled configurations available

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Orion HD80 - 2

HD80SOFTWARE MECHANICAL FEATURES • Onboard h.264 compression with adjustable bitrate • Dynamic or static IP addressing • Field upgradable software • Onboard electronic stabilization • Onboard scene tracking • MISB-compliant output including embedded KLV metadata • Optional target tracking ELECTRICAL • Control over Ethernet or serial • Ethernet and analog video • 20W average, 100W peak power consumption • 10V to 30V input voltage GPS/INS • IMU co-located with cameras • 0.5° (typical) total system accuracy • Real time geopointing and geolocation • Attitude, velocity and position computed at...

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