Orion HD 50
1 / 2Pagine


Estratti del catalogo

Orion HD 50 - 1

Smallest continuous zoom MWIR gimbal available Direct Drive Architecture Best-in-class robustness and stability Fully digital, h.264 compliant video pipeline Embedded Video Processing Environmentally Sealed Onboard GPS/INS NVG-Compatible Laser Pointer Electronic stabilization and scene tracking Accurate real-time vehicle and target location Visible and Thermal Cameras Day and night operations with a single payload 010 101 010 Target location, Gimbal health, and more Highly resistant to dust and water 850nm laser for precise and discreet pointing Ethernet Interface Video and gimbal control over ethernet or RS-232

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Orion HD 50 - 2

Features • Onboard h.264 compression with adjustable data rate, 3Mbps typical • Dynamic or static IP addressing • Field upgradable software • Onboard electronic stabilization • Onboard scene tracking • MISB compliant output including embedded KLV metadata • Optional target tracking GPS/INS • Geopointing and geolocation capable • GPS corrected attitude solution using a 13 state Kalman filter • Attitude, velocity, position, and gyro biases computed at 200Hz • Sensors calibrated over -20C to +80C • Onboard GPS receiver • External heading observations accepted • External GPS data...

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