Estratti del catalogo

ON =1NN TecScan's Immersion Scanners are versatile computer-controlled ultra-K. sonic systems used for the Nondestructive Testing of materials. They I ranSe trom small table top scanners all the way to large multi-axes ' —1 scanners. Our immersions scanners are designed to be rugged, highly accurate and repeatable. A typical configuration consists of three motorized axes: X, Y & Z. Additional axes such as motorized or manual Swivel/Gimbal & Gimbal/Gimbal assemblies, Turn Tables and Bar Stock indexers can optionally be incorporated to the scanners. ♦ Modular design forfuture upgrade ♦ Heavy-duty acrylic/stainless steel tank • Motorized XYZ axes (up to 6 axes) • Motion control electronics ♦ Computer control workstation ♦ TecViavTMUT control & analysis suite ♦ Contour following option Remote access assistance ’Scanner Specifications could be customized 75 De Mortagne Blvd., Suite 122, Bo uchervilie, Quebec, Canada J4B 6Y4
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 1
Sanr p o s cn e O n Tccn ff ra u td o o o aeu m n ta cn e sd l g i te eSa o es m l u e f p nlq i ethta b ue a n wt h p o h im ro sanrt ehne hie i c adm rv te D poesAlf m es n cn eso n ac te ffic ny n ipoe h N T rcs l i r e . o tee p o s ok emes y i o reV wU S w r pcae hs o n w rsa l l wt u Tci T o ae akg. se h e Sm o tee p o snl e o e fhs o n i u : cd A tm t Trt l uo a d una e e b • tiestel -rfi cnt co S n ss l wpo l o s u n al e o e r • vib im n d m tri o cpcy A aal n ay i ee se raai l e a z t • tre wt 50b u t 1, 0b Mooi d i 0 l p o 0 0 l z h s 0 s cnee l d etrdo a • p o ah h rc i sl etr g O...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 2Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche TecScan
TOFD System
2 Pagine
Phased Array Axle Scanner
2 Pagine
Manual XY Scanner
2 Pagine
Gantry System
2 Pagine
TecScan-Pulser-Receiver UTPR-8
2 Pagine
Immersion System
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine