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LIMBACH L 550 EF - 1

Data may change without prior notice. Two cylinder, horizontal opposed, air cooled, cooled, engine, with fuel saving electronic engine management system and Four cylinder, horizontally opposed, airtwo cycle two cycle engine, with solid state magneto ignition, mixture mixture lubrication. Suitable for pusher and tractor installations. lubrication. Suitable for pusher and tractor installations. Performance Performance: Bore Torque: Stroke Bore: Stroke: Displacement Displacement: Crankcase Weight: Crankshaft Crankcase: Pistons Crankshaft: Cylinders 37 kW (50 HP) at 24 HP (18 kW) at 7500 rpm7500 rpm 25 Nm at 66 mm / 2.60 inch 4000-6000 rpm 40 mm / 66 mm / 2.60 inch 1.57 inch 40 mm / 1.57 cm3/ 33.44 cub. inches 548 inch 274 cm³ /Aluminum inches 16.72 cu. casting 7 kg Drop forged, seven piece Aluminum die casted casted aluminum alloy Cam ground, Drop forged, one aluminum alloy, with nicasil Casted piece utilizing 2 split connecting rods with needle bearings coated barrel Pistons: Ignition system Casted aluminum alloy Solid state magneto ignition Cylinders: Casted aluminum, silicon carbide coated barrel Firing Order Two opposing cylinders simultaneously, Ignition System: Variable (ECU-controlled) 180 deg. offset Carburators 4 diaphragm all position carburators Limbach Flugmotoren GmbH & Co. KG Starter without Engine Management system: 12V, computer controlled Generator without Altitude compensation: Automatic via ECU Dry weight approx. 16 kg Fuel: 92 RON (regular) gasoline, mixed with Fuel AVGAS two-cycle oil to the ratio with synthetic100LL or 90 RON mixed of 50:1 a suitable 12V the ratio of 1:25 Optional Equipment: Starter Set oil to0.4 kW (2,3 kg) or 1: 50 (with synthetic oil) Alternator 14 V 95A (5,2 kg) Optional Equipment: Cylinders with additional heat sinks Alternator 28 V 45A (+ 1.2 kg) (incl. Voltage Transformer 5,2 kg) Shielded ignition system Exhaust stacks Starter 12/24 V, 0.3 kW Generator 28 V, 1200 W

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LIMBACH L 550 EF - 2

alle Datenblätter LIMBACH L 275 EF Two cylinder, horizontal opposed, air cooled, two cycle engine, with fuel saving electronic engine management system and mixture lubrication. Suitable for pusher and tractor installations. Performance: Torque: Bore: Stroke: Displacement: Weight: Crankcase: Crankshaft: 24 HP (18 kW) at 7500 rpm 25 Nm at 4000-6000 rpm 66 mm / 2.60 inch 40 mm / 1.57 inch 274 cm³ / 16.72 cu. inches 7 kg Aluminum die casted Drop forged, one piece utilizing 2 split connecting rods with needle bearings Casted aluminum alloy Casted aluminum, silicon carbide coated barrel Variable...

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