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SalinoMADD - 1

• Gauging by dilution method • Takes just a few minutes • In high flow water courses up to 50,000 l/s • Operates with cooking salt • Measures by integrating the salinity • Non polluting tracer • 15 freely programmable measuring sites can be stored SalinoMADD is a complete and simple-to-use device allowing measuring a flow in just a few minutes using the tracer dilution method. This method consists to inject a quantity of salt into the stream and to measure its concentration downstream. The result can be calculated in function of the injected tracer quantity and the concentration measurements. The tracing The measuring probe is placed into the water course. At a sufficiently large distance upstream so that the tracer mixes perfectly with the water, a known amount of salt is injected, previously diluted in a container with the river water (5 - 20 grams per l/s of estimated flow). The device records the passing of the tracer and provides the flow in litres per second immediately at the end of the operation. Software SalinoMADD The SalinoMADD is delivered with software for PC. Before gauging, 15 measuring sites can be prepared with different information. These data are loaded into the device, either at the office or in-situ with a laptop. It contains amongst others the name of the site, the location, the operator, the measuring interval, the limnimetric height, the amount of injected salt and the injection distance. These last four parameters can be modified on site when acquiring a gauging reading directly using the unit's keyboard. Back at the office, it offers the opportunity to analyze the graphs and export data as spreadsheet. The visualization of the gauging curves is recommended to ensure that measurements were done correctly or to detect possible errors. Some tools are available to recalculate the flow after parameters changes and to print the results. MflDDTECHNOLOGIES sArL - Avenue des Sports 42 - CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains - Switzerland Tel: +41 24 445 31 16 - Fax: +41 24 445 21 23 - Email: -

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SalinoMADD - 2

The SalinoMADD is supplied with its accessories (sensor with 10 m of cable, PC connection cable, calibration solution, software, etc.) in a rugged case, providing effective protection for the units during transport. Technical Specifications MADD technologies can change these specifications without warning NflDDTECHNOLOGIES sArL - Avenue des Sports 42 - CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains - Switzerland Tel: +41 24 445 31 16 - Fax: +41 24 445 21 23 - Email: -

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