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J2 Universal Tool-Kit's underlying framework and data management system, J2 Universal handles all the configuration control and plug-in management and provides a data centric approach to aircraft design and analysis. J2 Universal allows users to perform different tasks at varying stages of the design process and work together to optimise an aircraft model. This minimises the amount of reworking and ensures that the data is consistent. 1. Data Centric Framework • Ensures that all users are working on the same data set • Enables data models and analysis to be shared across the company • Eliminates communication errors and cuts the learning curve • Improves the process and reduces timescales 2. Configuration Management • Provides traceability for all design alterations • Ensures that the latest designs have been assessed 3. Integrated Framework • Provides a single environment for the aircraft's lifecycle 4. Plug-in Management • Offers 'mix-and-match' capabilities to suit team size and requirements • Creates user defined customer plug-ins for further analysis "rt'r 'TfiO#«r , Q Pitch Control s aRoiw"001 t fiThrottle i Q Yaw Control Structure _ - ^ 5 jgCwfetal 3 £| ier«!>Taric Ccefliciert I CoeiSciert Refeence 3 QQ Irterrally Cakubted I & Miss srilrerts 3 & R«4e»eree Ccadinate 8 ® 8 Ch Receiver 8 SitesspClr«M 8 S RefeenceCocfdmate 8 ® Battery Pack 8 Sites an! Irak 8 a Reference Cocvdinate - Main Wing Servo 8Stoss and IraSa * i* ^efeflr«C«rire® ' * 1 Speed Cwtrde-' Si . ■ .. . Name The name of the structural i .Last Modified For further information contact J2 Aircraft Dynamics on +44 (845) 052 9489 or email: AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS Predicting Performance
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 1J2 UNIVERSAL DELIVERS Features Data Centric Application Having everything in one place enables users to share data models and results across the network – resulting in improved process, cohesive teamwork and reduced communication errors Integrated Configuration Control and Data Management Users can evaluate ‘what ifs’ and create variant models, leading to an optimised design. The integrated review process minimises mistakes, tracks all analysis to ensure that the latest versions have been assessed and provides traceability to all design changes Intuitive Graphical Interface The simple to...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 2Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche J2 Aircraft Dynamics
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