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NETWORKS'I ^Weathe CONNECT YOUR CLASSROOM AND LEARNING COMMUNITY TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU Integrate your school’s own custom weather station and observations into an active learning experience with WeatherSTEM - a weather curriculum and platform powered by your school’s collected data that can be customized to integrate weather conditions local to your area and around the globe into your STEM lessons. OVERVIEW Schools across the US face the challenge of how to better prepare students to enter careers where competency in science, technology and math are a requirement. The WeatherSTEM platform uses live data from weather instruments, agricultural probes, web cameras and other sensors to create an immersive technology-based learning experience for science content courses. A growing library of standards-aligned lessons and activities use live data for teaching and learning. Each installation also comes with a customized weather portal that provides current readings, forecasts, lightning detection, alerts and much more that help facilitate a safer and more informed school and community. BENEFITS The installation was quick and easy, and we had data immediately. We are now linked together with other schools which allows us to compare temperature and precipitation data and note the differences between the coast and inland. The Twitter and Facebook feeds are really fun and support our online community and social networking. "• "• Michelle Hock, High School Teacher WeatherSTEM is a personalized integration of weather instruments, a customized weather portal, data, and STEM-based curriculum. A variety of weather sensors measure readings every minute, and these measurements are stored in the cloud, accessible for research and analysis using WeatherSTEM’s data mining tools. Visualize and interact with weather data as a student or an administrator to inform a project or optimize operational decisions- analyze and manipulate layer upon layer of real-time weather information and severe weather alerts in an easy to use interface. Access local realtime weather data and our entire network of real-time data. Broadcast your own live view to teachers and students in other locations. Keep your community safe. You set the Build community awareness with parameters and our severe weather alerting automated social posts about the weather platform takes care of the rest. Designed directly from the WeatherSTEM at your to alert and automatically warn staff when school. weather could affect your school’s outdoor activities.
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WEATHERSTEM KEY FEATURES • Boost student engagement and active learning in the classroom • Integrate on-site real-time weather observations into data driven lesson planning and operations • Keep students, faculty and visitors safe and informed of dangerous weather events A SUITE OF MULTIPURPOSE EDUCATIONAL AND SAFETY PRODUCTS, TOOLS AND RESOURCES TO MEET YOUR NEEDS WeatherSTEM offers 21st century learning using STEM-based and standards-aligned lessons, dynamically integrated with live measurements from weather instruments located at your facility. From a safety perspective, the system...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 2Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche EARTH NETWORKS
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Networks Calibration System
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