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Defibrillator Dashboard .LOcfib Dashboard
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 1ZOLL® brings the exceptional support capability you've come to expect from sophisticated monitors and ventilators to R Series® monitor/defibrillators. Defibrillator Dashboard™ is an asset management tool that optimizes defibrillator readiness and increases efficiency for the biomedical engineering team. Streamlined Fleet Management The most common reason that a defibrillator is not ready to use is a simple one: no electrodes. Easily fixed, but only if you know they're missing. With Defibrillator Dashboard, you'll be notified. Defibrillator Dashboard can provide a quick snapshot of the...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Comprehensive daily report with serial numbers and locations Remote viewing and administration from PC or mobile device Customize to display only defibrillators that failed self-test History of readiness logs Readiness in Dollars and Cents A survey of five hospitals explored the cost of maintaining defibrillator readiness. Taking into account the four most typical “readiness” activities, the survey found that each defibrillator can consume as much as 76 hours of nursing and clinical engineering time each year, with an associated annual cost in excess of $2,600 per unit.1 This includes...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 3Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION
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