ZIROM catalogue
1 / 12Pages


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Established in 1991 ZIROM is a company located in Romania, Giurgiu County. The company is producing titanium ingots and wide range of titanium forged products. SC ZIROM SA came into prominence, over the last decades, as one of the largest producers of titanium and titanium alloys in Europe. The products manufactured are intended both for cutting edge fields (aviation and nuclear areas) and various fields (metallurgy, chemical industry, medical technique and devices). Ever since the foundation, a permanent emphasis has been laid on its development, through technological optimization...

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The strategic vision of ZIROM is focused on the primary requirements: • continuous and progressive diversification of the range of finished products manufactured; • development of the production capacity, both in terms of quantity and in relation to the technical-qualitative parameters of the products manufactured; • optimization of the working conditions and compliance with the principles of sustainable development; • constant increase of energy efficiency in the technological manufacturing processes; • increase of sales market coverage by entering new market segments and attracting new...

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INGOTS FROM RECYCLE MATERIAL Raw materials: • recycle material; • sponge electrodes; • master alloys.

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Equipments • Equipments for scrap preparation: mill cleaning, shot blasting, cutting, sorting • EBfurnace • Plasma welding equipment • Cutting machine • Lathes

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FORGED PRODUCTS Equipments • 2000 TF Free forging press • Railbound Manipulator • Rotating transfer table • Mobile Manipulator • Heating furnaces • Heat treatment furnace • Shot blasting machine • Mobile Grinder

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For Zirom the product quality is very important. Quality is a constant concern and is a policy priority in the company. Zirom products quality is checked in own laboratory by the following testing: • spectral analysis: - spark optical emission spectrometry - inductively coupled plasma spectrometry- ICP • internal defect inspection( UT) • gas analysis • beta transus temperature determination -DTA • image analysis - metallography Through its products and services, Zirom aims to achieve the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. Zirom SA is certified according to the following...

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QIALITAS CERTIFICATION BODY 20 Spatara Preda street. BUCHAREST. ROMANIA CERTIFICATE No. QC/1115 If is granted to: §.C. ZIROKi S.A. Head office and working place: UIAKG1U, km. 4 Mlolrazia Road . GIURIilll counlv CERTIFICATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM which is in accordance with SR EN ISO 9001 ;2008/ed.4 for the activities: - MANUFACTURING OF OTHER NON-FEROUS METALS: titanium and titanium alloys; zirconium and zirconium alloys; - TEHNICAL TESTING AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITIES BUCHAREST IHmAL CERTIFICATION DATE: 18.122002 CURRENT CERTIFICATION DATE 11.112012 AMENDMENT DATE VALIDITY OF...

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