Extraits du catalogue
MONOBLOC 380 The Monobloc snow blower Mobl380 is autonomous, compact and meets the current EU Stage V / US EPA Tier 4f exhaust emission standards. The machine is conveniently operated with the included joystick and display, and can be optionally equipped with either a remote control unit or a connecting cable. Wheel loaders that meet the minimum static tipping load requirement are employed as carrier vehicles. Therefore, they can also be used during the offseason in the winter. The articulated steering of the wheel loader ensures great mobility. The Mobl380 can be operated with the wheel...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2B1 = Overall width of snow blower B2 = Width of engine unit H2 = Height of engine unit (excl. exhaust) H3 = Overall height of engine unit L = Overall length (excl. mounted device, ejection chute 3’400 mm (134 in) erected) L1 = Length, ejection chute lying, AK 380-2 Ejection chute rotation angle Lateral inclination of snow blower Ejection angle of rotary shaft Weight (excl. wheel loader mounting frame)
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 3Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ZAUGG AG EGGIWIL
Brochure Rolba500
8 Pages
Brochure Snow Blowers
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Brochure Snow Ploughs
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Brochure Monoblock Mobl230
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Brochure Rolba1500
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Airport snow clearance
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