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Airframe sealing profiles
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Demanding aeroengine requirements The aeroengine designer cannot risk component failure and major manufacturers rely on the experience of Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to ensure sealing integrity over extended aircraft service life. Specialized airframe products Airframe seals are not only used within the engine compartment but throughout the aircraft body, on wings, windows and doors, where they contribute to aerodynamic efficiency.
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Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is proud to bring together the unique capabilities of three world-leading brands with over 50 years of experience in aircraft sealing - Woodville Polymers, Specialized Elastomers, and Chase-Walton Elastomers. Manufactured to standard or custom profiles, each airframe seal is hand-fabricated with absolute attention to detail and quality assured through 100% inspection. Focusing on aerodynamic efficiency, they offer reliability in service, along with efficiency in assembly and maintenance. The use of advanced FEA combined with product qualification programs,...
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Airframe sealing profiles Blade / Leaf Seals BL Ref 1 This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles Blade / Leaf Seals BL Ref 19 This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has developed a unique capability to manufacture airframe seals that vary in profile shape and size over the length of the part. Such a process allows for increased design flexibility when developing aircraft structures and access panels. This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles Miscellaneous Hollow Seals H Ref 3 This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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Airframe sealing profiles Miscellaneous Hollow Seals H Ref 34 Miscellaneous Solid Seals S Ref 1 This brochure is intended to show the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions range of airframe seals. This material should not be used as a design guide. For specific information about the right seal for your application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions representative.
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USA, Great Lakes - Fort Wayne, IN +1 260 482 4050 USA, East - Mt. Juliet, TN +1 615 800 8340 USA, Midwest - Schaumburg, IL +1 630 539 5500 USA, Northern California - Fresno, CA +1 559 449 6070 USA, Northwest - Portland, OR +1 503 595 6565 USA, Southwest - Houston, TX +1 713 461 3495 Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur +60 (0) 3 90549266 Taiwan – Taichung +886 4 2382 8886 Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City +84 8 6288 6407 Singapore and all other countries in South and East Asia, Australasia +65 6 577 1778 Central Asia (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Greece, Romania, Ukraine) +359 (0) 2 969...
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facebook.com/TrelleborgSealingSolutions twitter.com/TrelleborgSeals youtube.com/TrelleborgSeals flickr.com/TrelleborgSealingSolutions © 2008 Trelleborg Group. At time of publication the information contained in this literature is believed to be correct and accurate. Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications in demanding environments. Its innovative engineered solutions accelerate performance for customers in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group has local presence in over 40 countries around the world.
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