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LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM - 1

The tower station for your hands hygiene anywhere you need.

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LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM - 2

LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM is our entry level stand with lodge for gel bottle with manual dispenser. The tower is available in 610 black, 613 silver, 617 sand, 618 dark metallic grey, 619 bronze, 620 white and the dispenser is white/black. The kit include nr. 1 500ml bottle of gel with hand dispenser. The gel is a 70% added alcohol compound of aloe vera A metal locking plate will secure the bottle to the stand. Dispenser can be mounted as wall fixing too. Customer can provide our refill Gel or he can provide himself the gel once necessary. All around the world will be necessary to put this stand...

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LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM - 4

Leap 2020 MA04 how to secure the bottle with locker:

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LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM - 5

Technical card GEL MANISICURE Description: MANISICURE is an instant-based alcohol-based hand cleaning gel (70% in volume) and Aloe Vera prepared according to World Health Organization guidelines. Exceptional to clean hands in all those environments where a higher level of hygiene is required, even in the absence of water. MANISICURE is composed exclusively of highly selected ingredients. Features: • Prepared according to World Health Organization guidelines. • Immediate cleansing effect, without rinsing. • Without fragrances added: it leaves your hands soft and natural thanks to the...

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LEAP 2020 MA04 SLIM - 6

talin spa – Via Monte Ortigara 2/4 - 36073 Cornedo Vicentino (VI) - Italy Tel. +39 0445 430550 – E mail: talin@talin.com – Web site: http://export.talin.com/

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