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Composites - 1

Solid Carbide Tools Composite Tools

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Composites - 2

As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of solid attractive to a wide variety of part manufacturers and carbide rotary cutting tools, SGS Tool Company fabricators. This carbon fiber material is comprised has pioneered some of the most advanced cutting of a layered resin structure with a variety of complex technologies specializing in specific challenges and fiber configurations embedded within the resin giving extreme applications. We have developed a dedicated the material its physical shape while the fibers deter- team to focus on the advancement of technology mine the material...

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Composites - 3

Composites in Aerospace • CFRP excels in fatigue performance compared to aluminium • Structurally durable yet lightweight for primary and secondary aircraft structures • Widely used throughout aircraft interiors Composites in Automotive • Carbon fiber is lightweight, durable and easily molded • Leading manufacturers targeting Composite for future production cars • Multi-layered material resists breakage Composites in Power Generation • Primarily used in wind turbines • Blades must be low weight, possess rotational inertia and have resistance to fatigue and wear • CFRP withstands...

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Composites - 4

SERIES 120 COMPOSITE DRILL The key features of the 8 Facet Double Angle Hi-Per Carb drill design offers application benefits beyond that of other high performance drills in its category. Each feature of this 8 facet design was engineered as a solution towards addressing the issues commonly encountered during Composite drilling. This unique High Performance design successfully creates an accurate hole without splintering or delamination, ultimately optimizing the Composite drilling process. • ouble margin construction design stabilizes the drill for greater hole accuracy and D improved...

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Composites - 5

SPEED FEED RADIAL WIDTH AXIAL DEPTH 5,000 rpm TOOL NO. TYPE DESCRIPTION WORKPIECE MACHINE TYPE HARDNESS Vertical Machining Center INSPECTION NOTES Good hole quality for 1st 3 holes – fraying starting by 3rd hole, .0021” wear .190” CFRP drill, uncoated Good hole quality all 50 holes – slight fraying, .0013” wear .190” CFRP drill, diamond PERFORMANCE VALIDATION A test was conducted of our CFRP drill to determine the necessity of coating when drilling Carbon Fiber material. Fifty holes were drilled using a special size .190” CFRP drill. The tool’s design produces acceptable quality holes; but...

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Composites - 7

Speed & Feed Recommendations CFRP AFRP (Carbon Fiber, Aramid Fiber) GFRP (Fiberglass) 240 CARBON, GRAPHITE Adjust speed and/or feed based upon resin type and/or fiber structure Refer to the SGS Tool Wizard for more complete technical information (available at Feed (mm/rev) • CFRP, AFRP (Carbon Fiber, Aramid Fiber) 100 • GFRP (Fiberglass) Adjust speed and/or feed based upon resin type and/or fiber structure rpm = (1000 x m/min) / (3.14 x D1) mm/min = (mm/rev) x rpm Refer to the SGS Tool Wizard for more complete technical information (available at

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Composites - 8

Carbon Composite Router SERIES 20 CARBON COMPOSITE ROUTER SGS Carbon Composite Routers were designed for maximum performance in CFRP materials. We partnered with a leading Aerospace company to launch the original Series 20, a design focused on trimming and finishing in demanding applications requiring minimal fiber breakout and delamination. • he multi-flute design and positive geometry cleanly shear through the material T with minimal pressure without delamination issues • The unique clearance grind minimizes the contact between the tool diameter and workpiece, eliminating friction and...

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Composites - 9

Carbon Composite Router Tolerances (inch) Diameter Di D2

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Course Cut Carbon Composite Router SERIES 31 COURSE CUT CARBON COMPOSITE ROUTER The addition of the Series 31 geometry adds the benefit of fewer and deeper flutes than the original Series 20 CCR to avoid clogging during heavy routing CFRP applications. • he multi-flute design and positive geometry cleanly shear through the material T with minimal pressure without delamination issues • The unique clearance grind minimizes the contact between the tool diameter and workpiece, eliminating friction and pressure concerns • Left hand flutes engineered to control the fibers within CFRP preventing...

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Composites - 11

Course Cut Carbon Composite Router D2 h6 Tolerances (inch) Diameter Di

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Speed & Feed Recommendations 4 CFRP AFRP (Carbon Fiber, Aramid Fiber) • GFRP (Fiberglass) CARBON, GRAPHITE PLASTIC MACHINABLE CERAMIC, MACHINABLE GLASS Slot 400 0.0012 0.0024 0.0048 0.0090 0.0120 - maximum recommended depths shown - adjust speed and feed based upon resin type and/or fiber structure - reduce speed when overheating causes melting or damage to resin - reduce feed if delamination or fraying occurs - finish cuts typically require reduced feed and cutting depths - rates shown are for use without coolant; rates may be increased with coolant use - dust collection...

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Composites - 13

Speed & Feed Recommendations • CFRP AFRP (Carbon Fiber, Aramid Fiber) • GFRP (Fiberglass) • CARBON, GRAPHITE • PLASTIC MACHINABLE CERAMIC, MACHINABLE GLASS Slot 120 0.030 0.060 0.120 0.230 0.305 rpm = (1000 x m/min) / (3.14 x D1) mm/min = (mm/rev) x rpm - maximum recommended depths shown - adjust speed and feed based upon resin type and/or fiber structure - reduce speed when overheating causes melting or damage to resin - reduce feed if delamination or fraying occurs - finish cuts typically require reduced feed and cutting depths - rates shown are for use without coolant;...

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Composites - 14

Compression Router SERIES 25 COMPRESSION ROUTER – FOR FINISH MILLING OF CFRP A major challenge in machining with Composite material is preventing separation of material layers during the machining process. By incorporating both a left and right hand helix, the cutting pressure to the center of the work piece is compressed, eliminating the fraying of the material. • A left handed helix directs cutting forces downward in a pushing action, great for holding parts securely against a fixture. • A right handed helix directs cutting forces upward in a pulling action, great for chip evacuation. •...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) SGS FRANCE

  1. M155 series

    2 Pages

  2. Z-Carb HPR

    16 Pages

  3. PCR

    8 Pages

  4. T-Carb

    12 Pages

  5. Series 33

    8 Pages

  6. APR APF

    8 Pages

  7. multi-carb

    12 Pages