Extraits du catalogue

ewoLightTile ewo.com Light as you’ve never seen it before ȯ Light guiding panels ȯ Superior visual comfort ȯ Patent-pending technology Advantages → Homogenous and precise illumination → Minimised glare and back light → No visible single LED points → No visible gap between an array of ewoLightTiles Areas of Application Horizontal and vertical installation � Public Spaces � Squares � Residental Areas � Pathways → Asymmetric directional light distribution → Avoids undesired scattered light in unwanted areas -> Applicable to street lighting, compliant with P-classes of EN13201 Technical Specifications ȯ Monochrome + tuneable white + RGBW ȯ Minimum CRI ≥ 80 ȯ Current feed: 100-350 mA ȯ Power: 9.6-36.9 W per ewoLightTile ȯ Up to 2,300 lm per ewoLightTile Modular Combinations ȯ Vertical and horizontal combination of the tiles � Adjustable to custom solutions � Unlimited number of arrangements Light guide optics with optimised surface Applicable for vertical and horizon
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ewo srl/GmbH Via dell’Adige/Etschweg 15 IT-39040 Cortaccia/Kurtatsch Tel +39 0471 623087 mail@ewo.com Tuneable White and RGBW Best Colours Superior colour mixing on the illuminated area ȯ Excellent colour mixing ȯ Homogenous colour appearance ȯ High level of visual comfort ȯ Smooth
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R–System R1 round
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7 Pages