PRO APF Series L-850 RCL/TDZ -LED (L)
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PRO APF Series   L-850 RCL/TDZ -LED (L) - 1

Runway and Taxiway Inset Lights PRO APF Series L-850 RCL/TDZ -LED (L) Runway Centerline/Touchdown Zone Light Compliances: FAA: AC 150/5345-46: Current Edition FAA: EB67 Current Edition ICAO Annex 14 Vol. 1 and Part 4 NATO: STANAG 3316 RoHS and CE Applications The L-850 RCL light acts as a runway centerline and touchdown zone light. The RCL is a bidirectional light, typically white/white or white/red. The L850 TDZ is a white unidirectional light. Features ■ ETL Certified ■ New Wavetrac™ technology reduces power consumption up to 80% compared to incandescent ■ Dust and water tight to IP 68 ■ Modular design makes fixtures easy to maintain with fewer parts to stock ■ Engineering Brief 67 current edition compliant dimming curve ■ High frequency 400Hz PWM helps eliminate flicker perception ■ Compatible with all known CCR types ■ 3.5 Crest factor ensures compatibility with Series CCRs ■ 10kV/5kA surge protection ■ -40C to +85C operating temperature ensures safe movement of aircraft in the most challenging locations ■ Failure monitoring of fixtures ■ 0.88 second switch-on time ■ IEC Style 3, 6-13mm low protusion housing ■ Low Profile, < .25" (6.35mm) - FAA Style 3 ■ Optional arctic kit (patent pending) ■ Typical initial fixture turn on voltage of 1.5V Ordering Information - API FI- 8 Fixture Type: A = Runway Centerline B = Touchdown Zone Color: W/W = White/White (850A) W/R = White/Red (850A) W/N = White/No Light Source (850A, 850B) R/N = Red/No Light Source (850A) Specification:- Fixture Dimension: 8F = 8" Fixture with 12" FAA Support Ring 8N = 8" Fixture , No Support Ring Beam Orientation: L = Left Toe-In - (850B Only) R = Right Toe-In - (850B Only) S = Straight Plug Options:- P1 = One plug P2 = Two plugs B1 = One plug, Lamp Bypass Enabled* Heater Options: 0 = No options 1 = Arctic kit Gasket Options: 0 = No options 1 = Optical Assembly to Support Ring Gasket * A larger 65W transformer is recommended if this option is chosen. For Arctic Kit a 100W transformer is recommended

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PRO APF Series   L-850 RCL/TDZ -LED (L) - 2

Outline Drawings Photometric Data Power VA Power VA Power VA _ , ** Power Factor at Unidirectional Bidirectional P1 Bidirectional P2 & B1* 'rans1ormer All Steps * Use 65W transformer with B1 Option. ** Use 10W/15W transformer on each side with P2 Option *** Use 30W/45W in place of 10W/15W, 65W in place of 20W/25W and 100W in place of 65W with the Arctic Kit Option. Accessories & Renewal Parts Item Description Catalog Number Isolation Transformer Connector Kit Heat Shrink Kit - 1 Piece Heat Shrink Kit - 2 Piece Base L-866B Class I, 24” Deep 8” 850A/B White Module...

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