Model 9D20900 Sonobouy Blade Antenna
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Model 9D20900 Sonobouy Blade Antenna - 1

PRODUCT BRIEF Model 9D20900 Sonobouy Blade Antenna CAES high performance blade antennas, Models 9D20900-1 and 9D20900-2, are highly efficient, have low VSWR, low aerodynamic drag and are ideal for Sonobuoy applications. Both models have identical footprints and mounting bolt patterns and incorporate an internal D.C. ground for lighting protection. PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION RELEASE DATE 7/16/20 SAMPLE RADIATION PATTERNS 305 Richardson Road | Lansdale PA 19446 USA | 1-215-996-2416 |

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Model 9D20900 Sonobouy Blade Antenna - 2

Model 9D20900 Sonobouy Blade Antenna • Broad Bandwidth • High Power Handling • Extremely Durable POLARIZATION: Vertical PATTERN Similar to a quarter wave monopole over a ground plane INPUT: TNC Jack (VHF Feed) BNC Jack (Probe0 305 Richardson Road | Lansdale PA 19446 USA | 1-215-996-2416 |

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