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![Frequency Converters - 1](https://img.aeroexpo.online/pdf/repository_ar/4594674/frequency-converters-26863_1m.jpg)
Wideband Microwave Transceiver Designed for electronic warfare, ELINT and electronic support/surveillance/attack, this 0.5 – 18 GHz wideband converter is a SOSA-aligned, conduction cooled, VPX RF Payload Card which provides coherent up and down conversion channels with an internal synthesizer in a single, 3U slice. With its modular construction it can be configured to accommodate the following coherent channel configurations: two up or two down conversion channels. • 0.5 – 18 GHz 3U VPX Tuner • 2 GHz Instantaneous Bandwidth • < 350 ns Tuning Speed • Two Channels o 1 Rx/1Tx, 2 Rx, or 2 Tx • SOSA Aligned • Built-in LO Generation o Phase Lock to External Reference Flexible IBW Down Converter Internal Synthesizer Features Adaptable • Final IF can be centered from 2.5 to 4.5 GHz with instantaneous bandwidths (IBW) ranging from hundreds of MHz up to 2 GHz based on final IF External LO input and output for driving multiple units with one synthesizer Can operate with a reference frequency from 10 to 250 MHz Available in several configurations 1. 1 Up-converter / 1 Down-converter, common synthesizer 2. 2 Up-converters, common synthesizer 3. 2 Down-converters, common synthesizer 4. Configurations 1 through 3 without internal synthesizer Optimizable • Front-end and back-end digitally controllable attenuators for enhanced noise performance or output power and linearity • Output Blanking Built-in Testing • Output power sensors for both the down and up conversion
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 1![Frequency Converters - 2](https://img.aeroexpo.online/pdf/repository_ar/4594674/frequency-converters-26863_2m.jpg)
SOSA Aligned Interface utilizes a 10 GbE control interface. LVDS Expansion plane lines on P1 are utilized to enable switching between 32 user predefined tune states. User defined tune states are configurable over the 10GbE interface. Tuning via the 10GbE interface is allowed as well but not guaranteed to meet < 350 ns switching time. With a modest level of design effort, the unit can be configured for independently tuned channels.
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) CAES
5 Pages