MCPS 6.3
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MCPS 6.3 - 1

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 As a part of the Quality management system for MCPS CAD-Computer GmbH & Co. KG Mackensteiner Str. 19 D - 41751 Viersen Germany Tel.: +49 (2162) / 81615 - 0 Fax: +49 (2162) / 81615 - 22 E-Mail: URL: Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 2

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Author Name(s) and Title Personal Sign Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Document checked by Name(s) and Title Personal Sign Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Dipl. Ing. Gunther Rossol (GR) Document release by Name(s) and Title Personal Sign Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Dipl. Ing. Friedrich Straßburg (FS) Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 3

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Distribution list Name(s) and Title Editorial participants Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 4

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Type of change Date Version Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 5

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Project name MCPS- Monitoringsystem Associated documents [1] MCPS System Prerequesits [2] Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 6

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 7

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 FUNCTION OVERVIEW MODULES AND OPTIONS Basic package MCPS - Import of Device data (DL, Darwin, LR, OR, VR) from floppy disc - Maximum number of devices in the device manager: 100 - Numerical (Solo window for digital announcement of a channel, text window for free choosable announcement of channels) announcement without channel limitation. - Graphical (Bar graph, X-Y-Trend window with maximum 5 Y-Axis, absolute/relative/relative hours scaling of the X-Axis, maximum 5 numbers of screens per trend window) announcement without channel limitation. - Export of data...

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MCPS 6.3 - 8

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 SMS-E ERES ICMEM - Dispatch of the administrator-, system- and device messages per E-Mail. 2) 3) Dispatch of alarm messages per SMS and/or E-Mail + - Audittrail generated by the computer, password history, Protection of the measurement-, Log- and configuration files against change. Electronic record, electronic signature  21 CFR 11 conform. - Import of measurement data per Memory Card from HR, LR, µR - Import of measurement data per memory download over interface from the intern and/or extern memory of the measurement devices. - MCPS Scriptengine,...

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MCPS 6.3 - 9

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 NetView: MCPS-Network support. - MCPS-NetView: MCPS up to 2 simultaneous Logins - MCPS-NetView: MCPS up to 5 simultaneous Logins - MCPS-NetView: MCPS up to 10 simultaneous Logins - MCPS-NetView: MCPS up to 50 simultaneous Logins NetView with network-dongle and dynamic licence management to visualize ONLINE-data and alarm information from the measurement-PC in the network. Add options MATH 1/2, SMS-E, ERES,SCRIPT, ICMEM once for the clients if necessary. To display online data and alarm information the MSERV-Option is on the measurement PC required A more...

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MCPS 6.3 - 10

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 OVERALL VIEW SUPPORTED HARDWARE Setup-support e.bloxx Personal DAQ PDQ PCI-DIO PCI-PDISO PCI Quad DARWIN ISM 110 IDL 100 e.bloxx Personal DAQ /55 / 56 PDQ1 / PDQ2 Extension module PCI-DIO 24H/48H/96H PCI-PDISO 8/16 PCI Quad 04 DA 100 Agilent Eurotherm Gantner IO Tech Measurement Computing Yokogawa MXMW DX(P)-MV Output / Setting / Interface CS Data import / Gap - Filling Short name Technical Specification MCPS 6.3

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MCPS 6.3 - 11

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 GSCtrl DL 708/716 XL 100 PCI - P8R8 PCI - P16R16 Senso Torq Integra Series Supported Slotcards for Integra Series Morpheus-Series Supported Slotcards for Morpheus Series PyroLine PyroView CT-Series Metis-Series A-Series S5 über die OPC-C-Option S7 über die OPC-C-Option PyroLine PyroView CT Pyrometer Metis Pyrometer A 20 A 40 A 320 A 325 SC 640 HygroLogNT HygroFlex VarioCam VarioScan VarioTherm TH3 Testo645 TekScan Field bus coupler OPTRIS SensorTherm Flir S-Series RoTronic InfraTec Czaki Testo TekScan WAGO DO, AO Relay switching: 7705 DO,AO :7706 DO Short...

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MCPS 6.3 - 12

Technical Specification MCPS 6.3 Power clamp Complete setup support with setup sending, receiving and editing. Partial setup support 1 with setup sending, receiving and partly editing. a. Type of channel and element. b. Type of channel, channel range, span, scale and unit. Partial setup support 2 with setup sending and receiving. Setup support over card reader. Definition of device setup in the device driver. Fixing of special setups to special devices. Floppy, Data import from floppy disc. Memory card, data import from memory card. Memory download over device interface from its internal...

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