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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 2

C-ASTRAL Highlights C-Astral unmanned systems are much smaller than manned aircraft, easier to maintain and transport and therefore much more cost-effective, providing excellent productivity and fast return on investment. The industry leading BRAMOR UAS family is electrically powered and is able to achieve superior stability and endurance through its unique advanced Blended Wing Body airframe aerodynamics. It is capable of achieving the most precise surveying results in the small UAS category down to 1,5 cm, with a Ground Sampling Distance that starts at 0,7 cm. MANUFACTURED FROM ADVANCED...

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 3

C-ASTRAL Applications THE ULTIMATE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR MISSION. ppX SURVEYING AND REMOTE SENSING INFRASTRUCTURE CONTROL PRECISION AGRICULTURE Point cloud derived DSM, DEM, orthomosaic, Aero-photogrammetry, mapping, surveying, volume calculations and estimations. Roads and railroads management and control, critical infrastructure monitoring, pipeline and well monitoring, upstream, midstream and downstream monitoring. Vigor and health of crops, yield estimation, crop counting and volume calculations, chemical management, plant deconvolution. Target tracking, coordinate estimation, tactical...

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 4

“The Ultimate C4ISR Solution – the most capable and affordable small UAS in its class in the world!“ A NATO OPERATIONS C-ASTRAL USER IN OPERATIONAL USE ON FOUR CONTINENTS ≥ Long Range (30km+) IP Manet data/videolink ≥ Encrypted communicationOPTIONAL BATTLEFIELD AND SPECIAL OPS PROVEN ≥ MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) optional secure digital communications ≥ Wildfire management ≥ Environmental monitoring RETRACTABLE EYE-X/HD SENSOR TRACK, GEO-REGISTER OR LOCK TARGETS ≥ Infrastructure control ≥ Over the hill observation (LOS) ≥ Night surveillance MODULAR AIRFRAME ≥ Fire control ≥ Civil defense...

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 5

BRAMOR C4EYE Sensor Options “We have put this machines through their paces in battle zone conditions and the MOD has decided that this will be the UAS of choice for future procurement.” MODULAR AIRFRAME A SOVEREIGN C4EYE OPERATOR IN EUROPE PARACHUTE LANDING SYSTEM SUPREME AERODYNAMIC EFFICIENCY ≥ Up to 3 h endurance ≥ Range up to 150 km ≥ 100% autonomous ≥ Wind resistant up to 30 knots ≥ Carbon / KevlarTM / VectranTM Construction The field proven BRAMOR C4EYE UAS line is appropriate for operations where real-time or near real time video observation and surveillance capability is of utmost...

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Bramor C4EYE EYE-X EO/IR/LI Gimbal Sensor “The system performed much better than what we were used to from other UASs and the change detection counter IED workflow saved lives.“ A BRAMOR SYSTEMS INSTRUCTOR FROM A NATO COUNTRY OPERATING IN AFGHANISTAN TARGET GEO-LOCATION VEHICLE TRACKING Accurate geo-location of a target based on its location in a video image is a key functionality provided by the EYE-X gimbal sensor at day and night. Enables 10MP snapshot stored on-board micro SD card or real-time download from UAV. Video recording is possible on-board as well as off-board. Live snapshot...

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Tactical network digital communications “Advanced signal processing and cooperative communication technologies built from the ground up to deliver the world’s most robust and reliable high-speed wireless IP networking coverage.“ For the demanding conditions encountered in operational uses, C-ASTRAL systems have been integrated with the TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. TSM™ waveform mobile ad-hoc mesh networking capabilities, enabling seamless scalability and network agility in dynamic environments. TSM waveform networking provides robust performance in challenging environments, and can scale...

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WORKFLOW PHASES MISSION PLANNING FLIGHT & DATA COLLECTION ONLINE FLIGHT LOGBOOK DATA & IMAGE EXPORT C-ASTRAL PILOT C 3P SOFTWARE DATA PROCESSING COMPATIBLE WITH ≥ Ergonomic touch screen GUI ≥ Critical flight control data always present on screen ≥ Seamless and fast mission planning ≥ In-flight systems monitoring ≥ Area, mission time, GSD and precision estimation ≥ Failsafes management ≥ System health monitoring ≥ Real-time camera feedback ≥ 3D SURVEY ≥ ENSO MOSAIC ≥ AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN ≥ PIX4D MAPPER ≥ PIENEERING ≥ MENCI SIMPLE FLIGHT PLANNING FUNCTIONAL GUI MODES REAL-TIME IN-FLIGHT SYSTEMS...

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 9

C-ASTRAL C3P Software Features ONE SOFTWARE – MULTIPLE PLATFORMS PRIMARY DISPLAY QUICK MAP TOGGLE MISSION DATA FLIGHT DATA OPTIONAL SECONDARY VIDEO DISPLAY COMMAND BUTTONS MISSION PLANNER CAMERA SETTINGS ≥ Multi-geometry VITAL COMMANDS ≥ Quick access to critical ad-hoc mission planning flight control commands ≥ Sensor data and still image recording ≥ Flight data display live control flight modes ≥ Constant image acquisition ≥ Quick access to critical ≥ Altitude mode flying ≥ Flight data display ≥ Loiter mode flying ≥ Target centric flying quality monitoring flight control commands FLIGHT...

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 10

BRAMOR ppX GNSS SURVEY GRADE RECEIVER FEATURES ≥ Accuracy down to 0,6 cm ≥ Command, Control & Communications ≥ Real-time system health monitoring ≥ 100% Autonomous ≥ Exchangeable sensors ≥ Imaging control computer SURVEY GRADE IMUOPTIONAL * Flight endurance measured at ICAO standard atmosphere conditions (15 °C / 1013,25 hPa / winds calm), depends on UAS configuration/sy

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astral_2018_katalog_feb - 11

BRAMOR ppX Sensor Options multi Sensor “We would not have been able to map more than 300 km of a remote railway line in Ethiopia in a week without Bramor’s capability to acquire data without a preplaced grid of ground control points.“ CARBON / KEVLARTM / VECTRANTM CONSTRUCTION JAN ZOREC, KOBALE SURVEYING SERVICES LONG RANGE DATA LINK ANTENNAS PITOT CLEANING AND OBSTRUCTION CONTROL SYSTEM GNSS SURVEY GRADE RECEIVER ≥ Post Processing Kinematic ≥ Integrated IMUOPTIONAL ≥ L1&L2 (L5 ready) GNSS receiver ≥ Fast initialization ≥ RTK datalink independent ≥ Accuracy down to 0,6 cm** NAVIGATION...

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