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While any radar can give you a lateral picture of a storm, BendDcKlng's lndustry*flrst Vertical Profile delivers a vertical picture, allowing yc*j to see what other radars can't. A simple press or a button albws ycu to analyze a stcrm segment vertKaliy. giving you the n formation you need to determine ine scope or the storm. Monitor me tcps of cells 10 see how quickly me stcrm Is building. Check the angle of a cell's leading edge to see drecdon or rravement. vfertKai FTofie also helps you recognize the difference between weainer ANTENNA STABILIZATION Antenna stabilization, an...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 4
EXTENDED POWER WITH RDR 2100 While the RDR 2000 provties the high reliability and quality you'd expedites BendfoXng. the RDR 2100 adds 50% mere power. 120" scan and a 320 NM display range, allowing you to see dramatically increased coverage area. Addtlond RDR 2100 features Include: • Auto range uniting - alerts you to areas mat radar energy cannot penetrate • Sector scans - allows you to reduce the scan ttoe to cencentrate on me area you mast want to review • Auto tilt - autcmatfcaliy manages Hit angle to compensate for night level changes With over wt000 systems sod and an average...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 5Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Bendix/King by Honeywell
AeroWave 100 Service Plan
2 Pages
RDR 2060 Data Sheet
2 Pages
KSN 770/765 Brochure
3 Pages
KLR 10 Product Brochure
4 Pages
KMA 30
4 Pages
AeroWave Rate Plan
2 Pages
BendixKing AeroVue™
6 Pages
KGX 150/130
4 Pages
KSN 770/765
6 Pages
RDR 2060
2 Pages
KT 74
17 Pages
6 Pages
4 Pages
Aero vue
6 Pages