MRO GSE & Tools


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MRO GSE & Tools - 5

w de range use for all narrowbody and w debody a rcraft eng nes

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MRO GSE & Tools - 11

ENGINE NACELLE TROLLEYS MAKRO AERO Nacelle Trolleys are designed and manufactured to transport and store the nacelle units. Sturdy structure is delivered for robustness yet weight is optimized via structural analysis for easy maneuverability. Caster wheels with directional lock and brake features are equipped for mobility. The equipment has small footprint to enable comfortable parking in the hangar area.

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MRO GSE & Tools - 12

MAKRO AERO Fan Case Dolly is designed to serve as a work bench onto which the Fan Case can be placed to carry out the required maintenance work. The Fan Case Dolly is comprised of two components attached together to form the full c rcular shape. The system s he ght adjustable to l ft and lower the Fan Case wh ch enables the techn c an to reach the des red area dur ng ma ntenance work. Pa nt Trestles are used for the pa nt ng process. Stab l z ng Jacks are equ pped to render stab l ty dur ng operat on.

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MRO GSE & Tools - 13

BRAKE CHANGE CRANE MAKRO AERO Brake Change Crane s a handy tool n the hangar area for the techn c ans. The crane s he ght adjustable and the boom extends and retracts depend ng on the need. These funct ons are del vered w th a hydraul cally operated mechan sm. Su table for both hangar and apron area. The system can be custom zed serv ng for var ous load requ rements.

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MRO GSE & Tools - 14

FUEL & OIL DRAIN TROLLEYS MAKRO AERO Fuel & O l Dra n Trolleys are des gned and manufactured to serve both n the hangar and on the apron area. Large tank capacity with large fill hole for ease of filling. Compact dimensions enable easy handling. Equipped with a towbar for towing function. Protection against fire and heat with bonding wire and a portable fire extinguisher. Double Tanks for environmental safety precau

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