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Our Table-Top Scanner consists of a versatile three axis (X-Y-Z) laboratory scanner specifically designed to perform eddy current, pulsed eddy current and ultrasonic inspections. The axes are mounted on an industrial grade table, ensuring high stability and rigidity. A spring loaded probe support is mounted on the Z-axis in order to ensure constant probe contact with tested samples as well as to permit contour following of curved surfaces during inspections. The scanner's elevated Y-axis bridge and its automated Z-axis enable the inspection of a wide range of sample sizes and shapes. This Table-Top scanner can handle multiple nondestructive testing applications, ranging from research and inspection procedure development activities, up to industrial inspections for corrosion mapping, inspection of fasteners, multi-layered structures, and more. • Multi-technology UT and ET system • Multi-channel UTFD-50 pulser/receiver • Spike or Square wave (User selectable) Up to 8 independent pulser/receiver • Computer-controlled and ultra-fast rise time • Modular design for future upgrade Motorized XYZ axes (up to 6 axes) Advanced motion control electronics Contour following scanning option Remote access assistance & troubleshooting Typical Scanner Specifications *Scanner Specifications could be customized 75 De Mortagne Blvd., Suite 122, Boucherville, Quebec, Canada J4B 6Y4

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Sanr p o s cn e O n Tccn ff ra o p tli er e sl o fr u tb tp cn e sl o . d s i eSa o es cm l e n g td o n o o ral o sanro nI uta e y t a u e u n rl ec sr h ui ,l h rq i d l t n sa okt o a w l s u Tci ™ nl ue o s ga te eu e e c o i , w r a n s e a o reV w o n l r er c s l e s w r pcae I ad o , m l u e f p o aeu m n cnb i e o ae akg. d i n a u td o o nlq i et a en n p t g tda n wt te altpsanr l fhs o o s ok em r e l g i h tb o cn e Al tee p n w r sa a o h e . o T M u eSm o tee p n i u : t cd l s wt o reV w si .o e fhs o o snl e e l i u Tci sy h e A tm t Trt l uo a d una e e b • tiestel -rfi cnt...

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Todos los catálogos y folletos técnicos TecScan

  1. TOFD System

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  2. Manual XY Scanner

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  3. Gantry System

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  4. Immersion System

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