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OVERVIEW Company profile Research and Development of Radiolocation Research and Development of Wireless Communication Production and Maintenance of Radar Systems Production and Maintenance of Wireless Technology Electrotechnical Production Machinery Production RPRP-5GI, operating in X frequency band, is a sophisticated radar device providing complete radar information necessary to precision approach and landing of all types of aircrafts. Its modular design, simple installation and compliance with all recommendations ICAO recommendations enables its full integration into existing systems without necessity of their essential changes or civil engineering adaptations. The system provides a modern primary and secondary data processing of the radar information display. and their synthetic display. Also extensive builtdiagnostic based on BITE system is built-in. The round-theradar is designed for round-the-clock operation, its structure is modular and completely doubled and the system does not require a permanent presence of technical staff. All information data can be completely recorded on modern PC recording equipment. High reliability is also achieved by using of two antenna systems, however the radar version with single antenna system is also available. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Highlights • High performance fixed Precision Approach Landing System Provides • Provides outstanding performance from a single compact system • Presents user friendly large scale radar data display including three levels of weather information • Operates under adverse weather conditions (heavy wind or rain) technology • Incorporates the latest technology for radar high reliability and low life cycle costs • Utilizes only air cooling for easy maintenance and high reliability purpose Excellent Operational Performance RPThe RP-5GI radar is fast and easy to install and its humansophisticated human-machine interface is arranged highto reduce fatigue in the high-stress controller overenvironment. The over-turning of antenna system results from landing direction change is achieved in less than a minute – much faster than any RPcompeting system. The RP-5GI achieves the excellent target detection and tracking even in environments severe adverse environments such as heavy rain. High stability and advanced digital processing including Moving Target Detection (MTD) and mapping ensure the adaptation to the changing environment. Versatile High-Resolution Multimode Displays RPThe RP-5GI includes two (or optionally more) universal display systems integrated into the operator stands that controllers can individually assign, according to traffic needs. The PAR display 3provides the 3-D landing situation in a user friendly display format. Focused Advanced Technology RPThe RP-5GI achieves its outstanding capabilities through integration userAirof advanced technology into a user-friendly system. Air-cooled active modules populate two active apertures for the azimuth and elevation singleantennas, thereby eliminating the single-point transmitter failure. off-theCommercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors and power supplies lowensure low-cost and high reliability implementations user friendly format. display format. E-MAIL: info@tcz.cz Non-stop Operation and Low Support Cost RPreliability radarThe RP-5GI modular, open architecture achieves availability and reliability superior to any other radar-based landing failsystem. Incorporated redundancies provide fail-soft protection. Very low support costs are inherent through builtextensive built-in test. Reduced deployed maintenance costs are a direct result of designed-in fail-safe/fail-soft designed- fail- afe/failmaintenance. operation requiring only scheduled periodic m
Abrir la página 1 del catálogoPRODUCT SUPPORT Airport Radar and Radiocommunication Systems The Supplier ensures the complete product support of the radar system manufactured and delivered by him. The main package of services • Delivery of spare parts (initial batch, batch for 2-3 • Installation, commissioning and putting the radar system into the operation • Technical assistance, advice, engineering provided as per the requirement and needs of the • Theoretical and practical training of customer's personnel (ATCO/Airmen as well as the maintenance operators) at our facilities in Pardubice, Czech Republic and during the...
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