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FEATURE SET Ideal sensor for enabling autonomous takeoff and landing 1Hz laser, Class 1M Eyesafe 400 meters useful range Cost effective Compatable with Piccolo Autopilot firmware 2.0 or higher LASER CLASS 1M Eyesafe WEIGHT 9 oz (255 g)DIMENSIONS 4.17 x 4.45 x 1.80 in(10.59 x 11.31 x 4.58 cm) ENCLOSURE ABS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE 7-36 VDC POWER < 1 W INTERFACE INTERFACE RS-232CONNECTOR DB-9 Female TERMS & CONDITIONS Latitude's products and services fall under the U.S. International Trade in Arms Regulation (ITAR) and/or the Commerce Control List requiring licensing by US Department of State PMDDTC and/or US Department of Commerce. Items may not be re-exported or transferred without prior authorization. LATITUDE ENGINEERING, LLC 744 SOUTH EUCLID AVENUE TUCSON, AZ 85719 520.792.2006 CONTACT1@LATITUDEENGINEERING.COM

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