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FA2100 SERIES - 1

BANNER PLACEHOLDER CLICK IN THIS RECTANGLE AND THEN GO TO FILE -> PLACE TO INSERT IMAGE FA2100 SERIES COCKPIT VOICE AND FLIGHT DATA RECORDERS Reliable collection and storage of critical information. L3Harris’ FA2100 family of solid-state cockpit voice and data recorders offers proven reliability and performance for fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft operating in virtually all civil and military environments. These versatile systems are compact, lightweight, inexpensive to operate and provide maximum high-quality collection and storage of critical information in flight. The FA2100 is available as either a stand-alone Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), a dedicated Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or a combination Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder (CVDR). FA2100 CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER The L3Harris FA2100 Solid-State Cockpit Voice Recorder (SSCVR) is a direct replacement for all Fairchild Model A100A, A100S and A200S Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs). The FA2100 provides the maximum recording capacity at the highest quality. Options include ATC data link messaging and Onboard Maintenance System (OMS) reporting. FA2100 SSCVR offers two hours of high-quality recording on all four channels and is designed for both civil and military aircraft. It requires very low power – only 12 watts (max AC) and 10.5 watts (max DC). FA2100 FDR FLIGHT DATA RECORDER The L3Harris FA2100 Solid-State Flight Data Recorder (SSFDR) has a proven MTBF record in the field, weighs in at less than 11 lbs. (5 kg) and offers documented low cost of ownership due to its simple design. The reliable FA2100 is available in ½ ATR short- or long-box configurations, consumes little power (7.5W V DC, 8.5W V AC) and uses common ground support equipment for both the CVR and CVDR. Accelerometers and installation accessories are available. The FA2100 SSFDR has proven itself in the Commercial Airline industry, demonstrating a mean time between failure (MTBF) of 50,000 hours. The unit is also approved for military operations under MIL-STD-1553. By demonstrating longevity and low cost of ownership over the life of the system. FA2100 CVDR COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER L3Harris’ FA2100 Solid-State Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder (CVDR) delivers two hours of recording capabilities on all four channels, or a minimum of 25 hours of flight data at 256-1024 words-per-second (wps). Its small size and lightweight engineering make it the ideal CVDR solution for an array of civil, commercial and military aircraft, as well as helicopters. The ruggedized Crash-Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) is made of stainless steel, but is available in lightweight titanium and can also be installed as a stand-alone Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) or Flight Data Recorder (FDR). FEATURES • Cockpit Voice Recorders store 2 hours of high-quality audio on all four channels • Flight Data Recorders store 25 hours of data, at rates of 64/128/256/512 or 1024 words per second • Commercial airline field experience of >50,000 hours • ARINC 573/717/747 compliant FDRs. Optional MIL-STD-1553 versions. • ARINC 557/757/757A complaint CCVRs. DataLink/CPDLC, and ARINC 429 OMS capability. • Lightweight – 10.6 lb. maximum, with stainless steel Crash-Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) (4.8 kg) • Optional titanium CSMU • Low-power consumption – 13.8 W max AC and 12.3 W max DC • Stand-alone Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data Recorder (FDR) options available • ontrol units, microphones and C installati

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FA2100 SERIES - 2

SPECIFICATIONS FA2100 CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) FA2100 FDR (Flight Data Recorder) FA2100 CVDR (Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder) Short: 10.6 lb. (4.8 kg) maximum Long: 11.2 lb. (5.1 kg) maximum Control Unit: 18 VDC, 25 mA short-circuit protected power source for control unit/microphone preamplifier 18 VDC, 25 mA short-circuit protected power source for preamplifier 30 min. or 120 min. high-quality 4-channel voice and datalink recording 30 min. or 120 min. high-quality 4-channel voice and datalink recording 25 hrs. of 573/717 flight data at 256/512 wps, rotor speed and time code Headphone...

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