AFIRS ™ 228
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AFIRS ™ 228 - 1

Automated Flight Information & Reporting System ACARS over Iridium and Cockpit SATCOM Voice Communications L3’s AFIRS 228 Iridium Global Communications System provides aircraft crew with secure voice and data services for ATC, AOC and AAC communications, using Iridium’s global satellite network. The AFIRS 228 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) has two Iridium transceivers. One transceiver provides global voice and data communications using standard SATCOM cockpit controls from the audio control panel and the MCDU. The second modem is dedicated to safety data link services using standard ACARS and FANS message sets (e.g., CPDLC and ADS-C). The AFIRS 228 SDU includes telecom functions integrated into the cockpit audio system for the flight crew and also through conventional two-wire “tip and ring” telephony devices. A separate SDU Configuration Module (SCM) contains the Iridium ATS or Non-ATS SIM Card, system configuration information and userstored information (e.g., phone lists) to simplify the process if a unit needs to be replaced. FEATURES • MCDU Priority Voice Dialing • Integrated cockpit audio • Enables long-range FANS & CPDLC The L3 AFIRS Iridium SATCOM System — ACARS over Iridium and Cockpit SATCOM Voice via the Global Iridium Network — Available Now! The AFIRS 228 Iridium communications system is adapted from technology initially developed with L3’s partner, Flyht.

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AFIRS ™ 228 - 2

Automated Flight Information & Reporting System SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT DETAILS ARINC 429 Rx Discrete Inputs 16 (2 discretes are dedicated to WOW/LGCIU) Discrete Outputs Telephony Ports Aircraft Audio System Interface Number of Antennas Required Single Iridium Antenna The single Iridium antenna is a low-profile, passive device mounted directly to the aircraft fuselage. This antenna connects to the Iridium SDU through a coaxial cable. ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS DESIGNED TO MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS • Iridium – Approved Iridium Compatible Equipment (ICE) • SITA ACARS over Iridium – VHF...

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