System 55X Autopilot
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System 55X Autopilot - 1

HIGH PERFORMANCE CONTROL WHEEL STEERING System Fifty Five X High-performance, two-axis autopilot for reducing pilot workload in IMC through all modes of flight High Performance: Fully IFR-capable, with nav and glide slope intercepts that make it ideal for approaches. GPS Roll Steering: Extremely accurate, hands-off GPS navigation. Control Wheel Steering: Hand-fly aircraft and then let the autopilot take over to hold the existing turn rate and vertical speed. Hundreds of STC’s: From light singles through piston twins. Advanced features • ase contained, radio stack mount C • eading preselect & hold* H • ltitude hold with optional altitude trim A • ourse intercept capability C • AV mode N • ual mode-HDG/NAV & HDG/APR D • OR/LOC/GS/REV/GPS coupling V with 3 gain levels

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System 55X Autopilot - 2

Copyright © 2016 Genesys Aerosystems. All rights reserved. System Fifty Five X High-performance, two-axis autopilot for reducing pilot workload in IMC through all modes of flight Display Screen 3-level gain selection for NAV mode is automatic. When APR is lit (simultaneous with NAV), indicates high gain localizer mode for high sensitivity coupled approach. Flashing NAV or REV annunciates course deviation by a needle deflection of 50% or more. Selecting APR increases gain sensitivity for VOR or GPS approaches. 1 DG (heading) mode & heading preselect H and hold.* When HDG & NAV are activated...

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